Monday, 22 March 2021

Day 8 - 81 -- Communicating

A highlight of the day was a walk in the sunshine and a sit in the park with a cup of tea for a chat. All of this involved time spent with a friend -- 3-D people are amazing <smile>. It has been a long time between visits like this one due to the colder weather and ice of the winter season. I hope this will become a regular weekly walk again like last summer and fall. 

2D people on screen or 1-D people on the phone are still communications that far exceed the written word alone. When 3-D people -- IRL (in real life) -- are present, our brains can pick up on body language that can't be seen or felt onscreen. It takes a lot more work to decipher some statements without the extras we get by being in person -- stuff we learned from infancy and do without even thinking about it. I also find that when I speak with someone in person recently, that I don't look at them as much as I would have a year ago. That communication skill will need to be dredged up from deep storage and practiced again as we move back in that direction. Touch also has fallen out of our communications when on phone, online or in person. I miss that. Some days I just need to give or receive the comfort of a hand on my arm or a big hug. Those transmit so much that just can't be articulated well over phones and screens. So many messages may be mis-interpreted due to lack of complete communication information when we write or speak without being in the same physical space. So many messages we may miss that put the words into context. Now, we can communicate well when not in the same room, but it takes a lot of extra effort -- and our 'old' ways of communicating required more than enough effort to be clear.  

An odd song came to mind today, which made me smile a bit. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Messages -- A Flock of Seagulls


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