Wednesday, 2 November 2022

9-306 (02/11/22) -- Good Things Blow In

After a great chat with a colleague, I headed out into the sunshine. I had an appointment for the COVID bivalent vaccine -- what the province calls the "fall dose". There was some early arm pain at the injection site and for the first time that I can recall from vaccinations since high school, this is the first one that bled -- just a tiny amount, but enough to stain the bandage covering the site.  

Once back home, I rested and reheated the leftovers from my restaurant meal yesterday. I'm glad I had those and didn't have to make a decision or stand and cook. I have nothing that has to be done tomorrow, just in case I feel yucky. Past vaccine doses have created some minor arm pain and a lot of fatigue for two or three days. We'll see what this one brings. 

My walk to the pharmacy for the vaccine was pleasant but the wind was very strong. It added coolness to the actual air temperature. The wind was at my back going out but I had to walk directly into it for a couple of blocks on the way home. It felt much more like autumn than the past few very warm weeks. The song chosen to share tonight fits the thoughts that the wind can blow in good thoughts and feelings. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Ride the Wild Wind -- Queen 

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