Wednesday, 16 November 2022

9-319 (15/11/22) -- Signs

The theme today has been all about change. I had to turn on the heat for the first time this fall. Yes, it was cold outside and inside this morning, but much later in the year than is usual for this activity. The car messaged me for the first time this season that "there may be ice on the road" and for my comfort it automatically turned on the heated seats and steering wheel when I engaged the engine today. I turned the seat heat down to low and turned off the steering wheel warming device. These get way too hot for my hands or seat -- so to speak <grin>. I noticed a lot more people wearing toques to keep head and ears warm today. The forecast noted the high risk of snow rain showers in the morning and mixed precipitation in the afternoon. Now I'm not sure how these are different, but the point is the risk was there. At the stores, I noticed a heavy sprinkling of salt on the sidewalk where there must have been ice or there was concern that the dampness from rain might solidify. When I went out after sunset, there was a thin coating of somethng white and wet on the porch railing. I walked carefully on the stairs, but nothing had frozen there at that time.  

On this day of firsts, there was a conglomerationof signs that a colder season has arrived. While there will be daily highs above freezing, the highs and the nightime lows will be much cooler than we've experienced lately. These seasonal changes were expected, but I always feel a bit sad when it arrives. The colder season of winter and parts of fall are not my favourite. I do live in the wrong latitude, but that can be remedied, I think <smile>. 

The song shared today fits the recognition of the changes happening around me. It also was chosen in honour of the 80th birthday of the singer. Keep safe.Enjoy!

A Sign of the Times -- Petulia Clark

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