Sunday, 6 November 2022

9-307 (3/11/22) -- Side Effects

I had a bit of achiness today but mainly just a sore upper arm muscle. So, not too bad so far with this vaccine dose. I have a bit of 'foggy brain' going on, but that is likely due to the restless sleep last night. It was difficult finding a comfortable position since I usually sleep on the side where the vaccine was given. I asked for this so that my dominant arm would not feel sore and impede daily activities.  

The only outing was a quick trip to pharmaices for a couple of over-the-counter items and some backed goods. It was sunny, but with wind gusts that made it quite cool. When the wind died down between gusts the warmth of the sun was quite pleasant. It didn't seem too bad when I walked out to the stores, but on the way back I was walking into the wind gusts. For much of the rest of the day, I did little. I expect a better sleep tonight. <smile> 

I was reading about usual vaccine side effects and read the title of a song. So, I share that one here today. It made me smile. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Hit Me with your Best Shot -- Pat Benatar


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