Thursday, 10 November 2022

9-314 (10/11/22) -- Place Full of Life

The day was grey, cloudy and cool. I walked out twice for milk, bread and baked goods. A small grocery trip provided a few items. I'm now set the the next week. I had a great chat with a friend. We laughed a lot, which felt wonderful. Anxiety has been poking at me recently, so relaxing on our call today helped a lot. 

I went online to find my new proof of vaccine. I planned to save the file to print. I will need to wait another week or two, though. The new bivalent vaccine was just new to clinics two weeks ago. To get it out as quickly as possible meant putting it out before IT had time to work with the software. So, when I wnet out all doses were listed, but the last one was noted as 'unspecified vaccine' <sigh>. Now I'm not sure that is proof of what I want it to be proof of <grin>. So, once the new vaccine names are added to the platform, I will save the file and get it printed. I do this at the library since I don't have a working printer at home. 

Libraries are amazing places. I love wandering the stacks and looking at random books. I love books. There are many small piles and shelves of book all over the house <smile>. But libraries are so much more than books! They loan music and movies, board games and activity bags. Ours has art installations, author readings, many meeting rooms for community groups, and a lecture room where various speakers, films and learning activities occur. Community access computers connect people to the outside world. A youth room fills after school most days and provides a place to visit, dance, play games or many other activities. A 3D printer is available. This is where we find COVID test kits provided by the province. And, of course, there is a basic printer where we can send documents for a small fee. For vaccine proof sheets and wallet cards, there is no charge. The wallet cards are even laminated for free. Librarians help with all of these offerings. I sometimes hear that libraries belong in the past as many people don't read actual books any more. Yet, it is a happening place with books and everything else each time I stop by. E-books are also available for loan for those who don't like the tactile aspect of paper books. 

A song made me laugh when thinking through what to share today. I hope this makes you smile, too. It speaks to something that might happen at the library but may not be an official program. <smile>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Love in the Library -- Jimmy Buffett

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