Saturday, 19 November 2022

9-322 (18/11/22) -- Slow, Quick, Quick

The day was cold with a cloud and sun mix. The breeze made things feel much cooler. The weather fit with the major activity today -- installationof winter tires. That appointment took longer than expected but it did involve a check of all fluid levels and basic operating apparatus look-over. The arrival of frozen ground cover is imminent. I posited that if we prepare, it may hold off. It is a certainty that if i don't change tires, we'd get a major dump of frozen precipitation, wo it should go both ways then, right? <grin> 

The holiday season is approaching rapidly, too. We will be 75% through Novemember in the next couple of days. How does that happen? The passage of time has always been an enigma. Since the pandemic lockdowns and reduced social interactions for two years, I discovered that time passes slowly and quickly at the same time. I believe this has to do with the emotions around being isolated or stuck in a rut of doing the same things repeatedly. It drags along in these circumstances. Yet, that mind-numbing sameness makes the days collectively move by quickly. I've been confused as to what day of the week it was without the regular schedule of working. I've tried to work in some routine markers for specific days of the week to give a sense of difference on certain days. Often, even that adds to the sameness. <sigh> I keep trying, though <smile> -- to establish a routine that will regain some of that lost with the exit from the work world AND to seek new things to do that make the days different. My list of firsts for each year helps me to see that some difference is built into my days and inherent in life. 

Lyrics from a song reminded me of the changing perception of time over our lives. It seemed to drag in younger years until discovery of feeling the need to slow down something we want to savour. Lots of interesting bits to ponder on this one. <smile> This made me think of dance steps -- slow slow quick quick of the two step and slow slow quick of the foxtrot. May need to practice those steps again, too. <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Fast -- Luke Bryan

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