I had an appointment mid-day and then headed to get groceries. Most things on my list were not on sale this time around. I added a few items to the cart that had not been on my list, but haven't been available for some time. So, I got a couple of each item for the pantry area. Most of these things were also on sale, but still expensive. I didn't look at the final tally until I got home. I just waved my card over the magic reader and it was done. The total was higher than I expected. One item did not come out with the member pricing as related items had. This was frustrating as none of the details were included in the online offer to indicate that raspberries were excluded from all the frozen fruit that was included. These haven't been around for a long time, so I bought them and likely would have anyway. But, I could have gotten two other bags of frozen fruit at the half price offer since the limit was four bags. <sigh> I often ask or look at the tape before leaving the store and I just didn't today. I was in a semi-grumpy mood before these silly events, but felt more cranky afterwards.
Today was the first of the season where I had to sweep snow off the car before heading out. It was still light and fluffy so was easy to move around. The air was cool but the wind made it outright cold. Wind created cold feeling into the evening and overnight, but air temperatures are to increase overnight -- just a bit. <smile> Weather forecasts indicate that there should be a lot of rain at the end of the week, though with temperatures just a few degrees above freezing it could turn into lots of snow. I'm hoping for the liquid type of precipitation as the ground isn't frozen yet. We'll see what transpires. In the meantime, I will need to pull out the mitts, scarves and hats for the windy days.
There have been some challenges today -- things I'd rather avoid given a choice. It can be difficult some days. <smile> That summary though brought to mind some lines from a song (bet you didn't see that one coming <grin>). Keep safe. Enjoy!
Superman (It's Not Easy) -- Five For Fighting
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