Saturday, 19 November 2022

9-323 (19/11/22) -- Night Skies

The sun shone most of this cool day. I worked on several household chores while the yard care fellow was doing the final fall clearing and gutter cleaning. The outside is as ready as can be for the next season.  I took a short walk in late afternoon just before sunset. The ky was an amazing orangish pink shade. Stunning. I hope the skies remain clear tonight so I can go out to see the stars. It has been overcast most evenings of late, even on the days when the skies were mainly clear when the sun was up. I'm not sure why this phenomenon occurs. So, fingers crossed for tonight. <smile> 

Looking at the stars, planets and satellites can be very soothing. Catching a glimpse of the International Space Station as it passes overhead is a thrill -- knowing that there are people up there feels cool. Seeing the various phases of the moon and planetary movements shows the constancy of what we are surrounded by -- well constantly changing, but at a slower pace than what swirls around us individually each day. <smile> There are apps for skyviewing, too. These describe what is above or below the horizon and in the various quadrents of the sky. The screen can show what is situated where and then the different items can be located. Putting names to the lights in the sky can be fun. I've watched the night skies since I was a child. I learned to find a few key constellations. We did this in the days when there was little to no space junk to identify and only paper charts of what was where. I admit that the software makes this more accessible than a paper chart when outside in the dark <smiile>. 

A few lines of lyric came to mind when thinking of the apparent constant nature of the stars. It is a powerful song from a fantastic musical. I get goose bumps whenever I hear this amazing singer do this song. In the video I found his keepiing character for the full song and applause amazing. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Stars -- Philip Quast (Les Miserables -- 10th Anniversary from Royal Albert Hall)   



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