Wednesday 28 August 2024

11-240 (27/8/24) -- Dance through the Day

It was summery today -- sunny with hot temperatures.  I walked out for the mail and did some walking to complete errands to pick up two needed grocery staples. I felt fatigued and had a short nap in the afternoon. 

The gardeners were watering the new sprayed on grass seed today. When I went out to water the patio garden plants, the sprinklers were watering the back corner of the patio. I got a bit damp as it oscillated back and forth. The newly graded hillside seems to avoid pooling of water between the buildings as had been the case since last summer. However, there is an area downhill in between the buildings on this street and one street over. It isn't flowing down towards the sewer grates. This may be an issue when we get rain, if it is creating pools with sprinklers. Drainage issues seem to be problematic. 

Listening to some music helped me perk up a bit today. A song that fit the mood and the need to boost it a bit is shared today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Some Days You Gotta Dance -- The Chicks

11-241 (28/8/24) -- Carrying Loads

The main event today was a trip to the garage for replacement of the windshield. The job took two hours so I went walking along Main Street and stopped for lunch. When finally back home, I worked on the copyedited version of the accepted manuscript. I accepted and rejected some of the suggestions. Others took more detailed responses to clarify intent of original phrasing that was altered in the editor's attempt to clarify things. It was a lot of small changes that needed to be dealt with. Some suggestions were excellent while a few were less so. It takes tact <smile>.

The weather was cooler and windy. Some rain was expected, but very little actually fell. The next few days are to be cooler than the past few days -- particularly overnight temperatures. That we are cooling while those south of us are sweltering is odd. The way the major low and high pressure systems have lined up, there is a blocking pattern that will keep the heat south of us. I'd be happy with more summer weather, even though I recognize that a new month will be upon us this weekend.  

Emotions have been a bit frayed recently. Way to many things to deal with -- the load can be heavy. One song came to mind when thinking today. The title says it all <smile> 

The Weight -- The Band

Monday 26 August 2024

11-239 (26/8/24) -- Moody Monday

The landscapers were back today to spray grass seed sprayed behind the house. Gardeners were watering between buildings with two sprinklers. We should see a lot more green around here soon. 

I worked on the latest copyedits for the paper that was accepted for publication. Some edits needed a response and many more could be accepted as they were. A meeting with my co-author helped to talk through responses. 

I went for two walks today. I've been feeling anxious and sad. Walking seemed to help a bit. A song that was playing on the mp3 player sounded just like I felt. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Chances -- Athlete 


Sunday 25 August 2024

11-238 (25/8/24) -- Ups and Downs

Woke today shouting and in tears. Nightmares are not common, but when they occur it is difficult to get back to sleep. The emotions from this dream lingered throughout the day. I tried to keep busy. I went to a store to get two needed items. That was a short trip, but got me out into the sunny hot afternoon. Shortly after I returned, clouds began to gather and obscure the sun. 

I tried to look for positives throughout the day. This gave me something to see other than the negatives hanging out just behind my shoulders. I took some time to do little household cleaning jobs that I just hadn't gotten to lately. That felt good. There are more to do, but I got some done today. I cooked a dinner meal that I haven't had recently. It tasted great. The garden patio seems to be doing well. Tomato plants have new blossoms. The gerbera daisy, which I have been watering faithfully, has not had a bloom for about a month. There is a flower bud getting ready to open. I'm looking forward to that and to more tomatoes. 

In honour of Elvis Costello's 70th birthday, I share two of his songs. I enjoy both of these and many others of recordings. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Red Shoes -- Elvis Costello


She -- Elvis Costello

Red Shoes and She


11-237 (24/8/24) -- Mobile Hoses

This Saturday had bright blue sky, sunshine and major south winds. Temperatures were warm and summery. I did the usual Saturday chores -- laundry and household cleaning along with online writing projects.

First off -- let me clarify that hoses were assigned to each building for use by gardeners. Residents can use them when not in use otherwise. "My" hose disappeared a few weeks ago. About the same time, the unit next to me seemed to have two hoses connected to enable them to get to the full length of the property. Whether the neighbours or the gardeners moved the hose from the spigot on my outside wall is not clear. I was told by a non-gardener that when the gardeners had finished with the hose, 'mine' would be returned. So, when I saw one attached to my place a couple of days ago, I assumed it was back. 

Yesterday I heard a noise at the side of the house and saw my neighbour moving 'his' hose with their spray nozzle from my spigot. He wound it up and laid it on their front porch. What is likely the hose assigned to my building is attached to the spigot on the neighbour's building. Gardeners have been watering the newly germinated grass seed between our buildings. That hose is being used for the sprinkler. I say this since the hose with the sprinkler is black and the one with the spray nozzle is green. The one dropped off last fall on my front porch was black. I don't care which hose ends up with my spigot. I just want a hose that I can use so I don't have to ferry water from the kitchen to the patio to water plants or fill a pail to wash the car. I am not sure how to handle this one. It is odd that people seem emboldened to 'borrow' things from other units without saying anything. Sharing is definitely on the table, so I'd be open to requests to hose usage. I spoke with another neighbour further down the street who had 'his' hose taken by a neighbour a few doors away who needed more than one hose to do vehicle cleaning. So, it appears I am not the only one with this issue. <sigh>  

Thought of a phrase in a song today. It helped me smile. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Beg, Borrow and Steal -- Ohio Express


Saturday 24 August 2024

11-235 (22/8/24) -- Stop Already!

My afternoon meeting was postponed until tomorrow morning. This left me room to do errands on Main Street and then get out to get a few groceries. As I was approaching the grocery store, a dump truck went by and threw a stone at my windshield. Big starburst and a horizontal crack halfway across the windshield. So now there is one further ugly thing to deal with. I've lost count of how many unwanted events or issues have been thrust into my life recently. I'm running out of energy to deal with it all. <sigh> It disturbs sleep, too, which compounds the fatigue. 

To be honest, this feels like the proverbial straw. I'm not sure I can handle any further impediments placed on my path. I've been told that I am strong. I'm not sure this is true <sigh>. I know I get quieter and hide away when anxiety gets huge. Others won't see this, though. I try to problem solve where I can. For the latest smaller issue, I will contact my insurance person tomorrow to ensure I have glass coverage and then will need to figure out who to take this to for replacement. For today, I just withdrew. 

The song for the day sort of fit with the thoughts of the day. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Last Straw -- Widespread Panic

11-236 (23/8/24) -- Supply Interruption

The meeting we rescheduled yesterday for today has now been moved to later next week. I went out to the insurance office and found that I do have glass coverage. Food news. There is a deductible, but it is manageable given the cost of windshields now. Many of the electronic sensors for the fancy bells and whistles are embedded in the windshield glass. Interesting, eh? 

I returned home and while making lunch realized that I was out of bread. I thought I had another loaf in the freezer, but alas, that was not so. After a non-sandwich lunch, I headed out again to get some bread and a couple of other items from the grocery store, which is across the parking lot from the insurance office I was at earlier today. <sigh> Good news again that three items I wanted were in stock and one other was on sale. I'll take those as wins these days. 

The labour disputes with the two major rail lines in Canada could still interfere with supply chains. After the lockouts yesterday, the federal government chose binding arbitration to settle the disputes. Some items will still be moving slowly. The rail lines here carry about $1B in goods daily -- not an insignificant number.  Luckily, the windshield I need is in stock down the highway, so it will be here for replacement by middle of next week. We will see how things go over the coming days and hope that major shortages of essential goods don't occur -- like chlorine for safe drinking water. 

There are many train and railroad songs, but today a Canadian one fit best. The visual in the accompanying video are wonderful. The rail lines connected this wide country and helped the parts come together as a whole -- a new nation. Much history lies in the tracks that crisscross the country. Three generations of my family worked on the railway. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Canadian Railroad Trilogy -- Gordon Lightfoot

11-233 (20/8/24) -- Melting in the Heat

The day was hot and humid outside and very humid inside still. A friend came by for tea in the afternoon, which helped me focus on some positives. The humid air left me feeling very negative -- likely due to the lack of good sleep in such weather. 

I felt as if the increased moisture in the air would lead to me melting like the wicked witch in Oz. That brought to mind a song from Wicked where the people hear that the witch could be removed from their lives with some water. It is an interesting beginning to the second act. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Thank Goodness -- from Wicked, Original Broadway Cast

11-234 (21/9/24) -- Incessant Chirping

I was feeling a bit yucky today and spent time watching TV and napping. In the evening, I noticed the sound of a cricket filling the kitchen, living room, dining room space -- chirping with extraordinary volume. I could hear it in the bedroom, too. I seems to be outdoors somewhere near the high piano window in the living room. I recall a similar situation last summer just after we moved in here. So, there seems to be a cricket hangout spot in that region. <sigh> I hope it doesn't wake me tonight. I'd love a solid sleep for a change. 

The song that came to mind tonight deals with a cricket and the song became the theme for a major conglomerate. A nice lullaby sound would be more acceptable tonight than the repetitive chirping from the other room. <smile>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

When You Wish Upon a Star -- Jiminy Cricket (Cliff Edwards) 

11-232 (19/8/24) -- Humidity

Today involved a trip to the eye doctor for new glasses. They tested a way to fix an issue with double vision. We tried a mock up of the expected vision and it was challenging for oculist and me. I will return next week with the laptop, a book and a research article to look at the distance necessary for most work. It is confusing to estimate sitting in a chair that is different than where the real work occurs. There is hope that I can see to read well again soon. I can read, but it gives me a headache and often means I have to close one eye to see clearly.

The weather today was extremely humid. Condensation occurred on windshield even with defrost on and droplets gathered in the  refrigerator. Temperatures were warm, but not hot. It rained a couple of times during the day. There was some distant thunder in the late afternoon. The patio garden will not need watering for a couple of days. Everything is saturated. I hope this bit of rain will help the grass green up again and the new grass germinate and take hold before late Fall. The humidity came from the outer bands of the storm formerly known as hurricane Ernesto. We will have another couple of days like this before the air becomes drier.

The song chosen today uses hurricane as a metaphor for emotions. I experienced very different emotions just trying to deal with the indoor humidity. The heat pump cooled the air, but the central dehumidifier ran constantly and still the air felt so thick.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Hurricane -- Luke Combs


11-231 (18/8/24) -- Social Status Food

I went out for a quick errand to get three things from two stores. The walk downtown was pleasant in the warm sunny day. I went for a longer walk around the neighbourhood just before sunset. The evening was lovely. The moon is nearly full and with a clear sky it looked bright and wonderful. This will be a supermoon so we will be able to see it well due to being closer to earth for this pass -- provided the skies are clear two days from now. 

In the evening, I had a conversation about social status of foods. This conversation has occurred for me many times with individuals and in classrooms. When thinking of foods, we spoke about those equated with loser socio-economic status. These included hot dogs, bologna, sausages, ramen noodles, and boxed mac and cheese among many others. I often note during such conversations that my prairie relatives took lard sandwiches to school during the Great Depression, while Maritimers took lobster sandwiches. To this day, in rural fishing areas, lobster is still seen as poor man's food. I also recall older family members telling about box cars filled with dried cod that had been sent to the prairies by Maritimers to help with the lack of protein-based foods. Few recipients knew what to do with the hard, dry fillets. Many used them to shingle their homestead shacks. 

The conversation brought to mind a song I heard as a preschool child -- actually one of my first 45 rpm disks that was given away by a local store. I played it many times and likely drove my parents a bit crazy <grin>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Who Stole the Keeshka -- Frankie Yankovic


Friday 23 August 2024

11-230 (17/8/24) -- Sprucing Up the Place

Bruce the Spruce was new yesterday. He stands just in line with the patio door. When I walk in the front door, I can look straight back to the patio door and Bruce stands right in that line of sight. That viewpoint from front to back reminds me of the shotgun style homes in New Orleans. <smile>  The complex is working on the landscaping around the newer buildings now. We've had heavy equipment outside the windows for weeks and today, we got trees. <smile>  My neighbour was excited and said she planned to decorate for the holidays. I'd thought the same thing. It will be fun to put up ornaments, suet feeders for the birds, and maybe some lights. 

Grass seed will be sprayed outside, but the equipment malfunctioned, so it will be several days before that is back up and operating. Where seed has been sprayed, the seeds have germinated. It is great to watch the areas grow. I find that uplifting when I head out for a walk around the block -- particularly at a time of year when summer is moving past quickly. 

The new spruce trees of different varieties fit the lyrics of a fun kids' song. Hope it brings a smile. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

C is for Confers -- They Might Be Giants

11-229 (16/8/24) -- Urgency

Interesting how an urgent situation puts many things into perspective. It can clearly show what is most important amongst all the things poking at you. Focus becomes a hyper-focused on the important things. All the other stuff falls away -- at least for a short while. Energy returns after being syphoned by anxiety -- again -- for a brief time. After the urgency dissipates, the micro-anxieties flood back into the thoughts while the energy rushes somewhere inaccessible. Sleep feels like the main activity of interest, but is disrupted so one is left feeling even more tired upon waking. Taking a nap when time allows may help with the fatigue. Music and exercise can help somewhat with the old and new anxieties. 

Dealing with an urgent matter today, led to a two-word line of lyric to run in a loop in my head. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Urgent -- Foreigner

Thursday 15 August 2024

11-228 (15/8/24) -- Heard & Seen

Today I'm revisiting customer service -- the need for businesses to show that one's custom is valued. I went to a business where I'd been about a month ago. At that time, I ran into some difficulties with the knowledge and communication skills -- well, the lack thereof -- of a front-facing employee. They told me the item needed would be in the following week. Three weeks later it arrived, but to get things installed would take a couple weeks to begin and might be a three hour event. Now, last month I was told it would be a quick fix -- about an hour at most. This week I was told it would be maybe two hours. I spoke to the the store manager about my frustration with this employee. I'd never been told the cost, though it was noted the ordered item wasn't very expensive. I had been about to ask further questions, when the data dump from the employee had been finished and they had turned to someone else and began another conversation. There were many phraseology issues, too. The business manager generally checks in to see how customers were treated. I like this process. At today's visit, she listened well and asked if I'd write it down for her. I wasn't sure I wanted to go that far. <smile> 

As I sat waiting for the installation process, I was working on the laptop. The general manager and the second in command each stopped by independently to see if I needed anything -- getting on the wifi, a cup of tea, or anything else. Interesting. Then the direct manager of the person I'd had difficulty with stopped by and sat while we had a chat. She explained the costs and noted that I was just past the end of warranty, which I had known. When all was finished, she asked that I use the item for a while to ensure the repair worked. So, in a week or so I will stop by and report on progress and pay the bill, which will be less than expected due to acknowledgement that we were so close to the warranty expiration. 

The supervisory person and the store manager went above and beyond for me this week. I have been a regular customer since I moved here 26 years ago last week. I've always had good service, except for one time during COVID when fewer people seemed to be doing multiple jobs <smile>. This week, I really felt like I'd been heard and seen, which was all I expected. I got so much more. 

A chorus lyric ran through my head as I pondered the events of this day. It made me smile. Keep safe. Enjoy. 

Keep the Customer Satisfied -- Simon & Garfunkel 

11-227 (14/8/24) -- Senseless Phrases

Today we had more topsoil being spread out back and between buildings. The expected completion date is early next week. The grass seed was hand spread between the buildings and today that was followed by a spray on seed product. The latter generally germinates within three or four days. Behind the houses, holes for trees are being prepared. The slope has been made steeper, so the water should run down into the drainage system. That remains to be seen. In the meantime, I will enjoy watching things grow. 

The virtual meeting today involved an update on organizational changes. I was struck by the repeated use of the phrase "a work in progress". It seemed to me to be one of those phrases meant to placate when there really isn't an answer to give. Isn't everything a work in progress? If anything is to move forward, it is progressing. So, when we use this phrase it could sound like a cop out. I dislike the phrase. It irritates me much like 'let's touch base'. These are just filler phrases that really have no specific meaning. The speaker doesn't have the answers to when or what is happening, so 'I don't know' is replaced with something without any specificity. 

I went for a walk after the meeting to help me relax a bit. I enjoyed looking at the flower beds and walking in the cooler breeze. It felt fresh due to reduced humidity. While contemplating the colloquial use of meaningless phrases, I realized a number of song lyrics use meaningless words. I thought of one from decades back -- never one of my favourites, but it makes the point today. <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Tutti Frutti -- Little Richard

11- 226 (13/8/24) -- Sky Gazing

Today involved a lot of sky watching. There were cirrostratus clouds in a blue sky. Below these, amazing examples of cumulonimbus clouds were building. Perfect examples of how tall such clouds can grow. Some looked like plumes of smoke billowing into the atmosphere. While lovely specimens, these large clouds looked rather ominous -- portents of thunderstorms. We do need rain, but without intensity or the accompanying lightening. Things are dry. A good day-long light soaking rain would be welcomed. 

I chatted with a couple of friends while on campus to print a document. One had taken a photo last evening of the milky way with pinkish aurora and even captured a meteor shooting through the frame. An amazing photo. The sunset this evening was gorgeous, too -- pinkish orange layers in a perfectly clear blue sky.  

So, it seems we've been looking up a lot recently and have had a lot to see when gazing skyward. A song about clouds and rain was chosen for the day. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Heavy Cloud No Rain -- Sting

11-225 (12/8/24) -- Outside Changes

On this sunny day with blue sky and puffy white clouds, I met with a friend and we walked around campus to do a couple of errands. We had a nice visit while exercising and getting things struck off the list. The sun felt quite warm, so shorts might have been in order instead of jeans. The visit and walk were spur of the moment decisions, so when leaving the house I had planned to be inside in air-conditioned areas. 

At home, I chatted with neighbours about the landscaping underway around our buildings. One said a workman had noted they would be done by Monday. They leveled the ground behind buildings today and left topsoil to spread over the next couple of days. Level is used loosely here. They are working to get the back area clear of potential catch basins. We live on a hill, so water flows down to the sewer grates -- or it should. We have had ponding between the buildings over the past year, so this work should minimize that. The topsoil pile outside my kitchen window looks like a termite mound from the Serengeti <smile>. So, we will be with excavators for the rest of the week. Sometime in there, grass seed will be spread by hand and then the spray-on seed will be applied. The cross street at the end of our street (a one block street) was sprayed last week and they have grass starting already. There is a better chance of seed taking hold before winter arrives compared to the front yard that was sprayed last October.   

It is exciting to see the landscaping moving forward. The place will look less like the construction zone that it is. There is an apartment building going up two blocks away and another may begin once that has residents. Further duplex units have been planned, too. So, we will hear hammering for some time to come. <sigh> A clip of lyric sounded right for the events of the day. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Where the Green Grass Grows -- Tim McGraw

Sunday 11 August 2024

11-224 (11/8/24) -- Distractions Needed

Today was sunny and warm with blue skies and a few clouds. This weather boosted my spirits a bit. I spent the afternoon in the kitchen. I now have a large baked ziti in the fridge overnight just to let the flavours blend. A sweet and sour sauce for meatballs is in the freezer in small single serving containers. It felt good to do something productive. Laundry and cleaning are productive, but there isn't as much to show at the end of those tasks. <smile> 

Doing something creative can help reduce anxiety. These actions distract attention elsewhere. Of course, this doesn't diminish anxiety for long, but it helps one be able to breathe and relax muscles and such. Even a short term technique like this is valid. In order to work on longer term strategies, some of the high level days have to be reduced. Today I felt a bit more relaxed when cooking. The physical activity involved reduces anxiety levels.  Walking works better, but any activity is better at knocking back anxiety than a day vegging in front of the TV.  <smile> 

I share a song tonight that addresses the need to tame the beast aka anxiety. I'll admit that I dislike the tiger metaphor since I do love these persecuted animals. <sigh> though, the lyrics look at many distractions. One is most fitting to the night sky this weekend as the Perseids pass by us. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Taming the Tiger -- Joni Mitchell 

Saturday 10 August 2024

11-223 (10/8/24) -- Running Away

It has been another Saturday filled with gardening, laundry and house cleaning stuff. Outside there was a major warm, humid air mass. Being outside, I encountered gusty winds with major cloud cover and other clouds blowing past. We did get a couple of brief but intense showers. The outer bands of the leftovers from Debby were traveling through. 

There are times when the weather provides a solid metaphor for life. Today was one of those days. Stormy skies mimicked the frustrations I wrestled with today. The indecisive nature of the multiple layers of clouds and the on and off again wind and rain are great analogies for how my thought processes were moving in many directions at once. Trying to get a handle on situations would have been like trying to fly a kite today -- strong winds would either break the string or  move erratically causing one to drop the string. In both scenarios, the kite would be lost. Needless to say, my thoughts swirled around a lot and went off in all directions. 

Music can help me to calm the thinking when it gets challenging. Today, I joined a live streamed concert. The music made me smile, sing and dance a bit. One song in particular got me thinking. On days like this, I'd like to run away and hide. Obviously, this wouldn't make thoughts disappear, but it feels like it would be a good idea for a short while, at least. <smile>. I share the song that spoke to me tonight. The opening line has always been a favourite. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Travelin' Band -- Creedence Clearwater Revival


-- online concert -- fun 

11-222 (9/8/24) -- Choices?

It has been a grey overcast day with cooler temperatures. I went for a few groceries and it began to rain very lightly while driving there. Further rain is forecast for the coming couple of days, but the bulk of Debby remnants will likely track further west and north from here. We'll see. 

I slept poorly last night. The clock kept showing me times during which I should be asleep, but that just didn't happen until the early morning hours. Needless to say, I could have slept longer than I did, but I had a meeting so had to get up, ready and out the door. Being tired and draggy made me feel as if everything was too difficult to tackle today. Yet, I needed to get some things done -- like it or not. 

A conversation with a dear friend reminded me of song lyrics that described the choice of predestined paths or journeys that over which we have some control. The chorus lyrics say a lot in a few lines. We do have a choice and choosing not to make a choice is still making a choice. Something to ponder in our spare moments. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Freewill -- Rush

11-221 (8/8/24) -- Outdoor Noises

I woke very early this morning with an excavator working outside the window on the other side of the patio. Drainage work is still underway. This one machine, though, was in bad need of attention. It made nasty high pitched squeaking sounds as it moved along. It wasn't something that was easy to sleep through. Even earlier, someone with a gas trimmer was out  in the area. It was very loud. Sleeping has been hard enough recently without workers out at 7 AM. Interestingly, once I was up, dressed and moving through the morning routines, the excavators were parked and all noise stopped until 3 PM. Just plain strange. <sigh>

We had a bright sunny day for a change. I headed to Main Street to run a few errands. There was a lot of traffic in the area. It could have been due to construction or maybe more summer visitors. Drivers were considerate and let those trying to turn onto the road from customer parking areas. It was slow going, but not as bad as I have seen at times. The pleasant day was just what was needed for the community barbecue today. 

By late afternoon, the annual neighbourhood barbecue was in full swing. The crowd filled the lawn area in the park area by the pond. I enjoyed seeing folks enjoy visiting and eating. A local musician provided songs that the crowd sang along with and a group gathered to dance to a medley of songs from the late '50s and early '60s. I include one of the songs everyone was singing along to as I waited in line for food. It was hard not to sing and dance while waiting in line. <smile>  I certainly enjoyed the music more than the equipment that woke me today. <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy!

Two Pina Coladas -- Garth Brooks

Wednesday 7 August 2024

11-220 (7/8/24) -- Tropical Weather

I had a meeting this afternoon and decided to get groceries while out. I stopped at one store to check out electronics for examples of what I want to acquire. It will take a while, but I got a good start with what was available on the shelf and online. I like to see the options in three dimensions rather than 2D on the screen -- a bit more tactile. It also helps to talk to sales people to hear what they have to say. The gentleman I talked with today was super enthusiastic. He spoke to me about product ratings and what other people have been buying. 

The day was mainly overcast with blue sky showing up around supper time. After that brief visit, the cloud cover returned. Temperatures were warmer than yesterday with lower humidity. It felt wonderful to go outside and feel like I could breathe. High humidity and heat make things feel so oppressive. 

I've been watching the tropical storm in the southern US as it slowly moves northward. The moisture it carries has caused major flooding and will continue to this as it moves on to other regions. I have friends all along the eastern seaboard so they will be in the path of this storm in one way or another. It seems to have moved from a shoreline path to one that moved further inland. This one will likely impact southern Ontario and Quebec rather than a direct hit on the Maritimes. The weekend will tell the story. In the meantime, I wish all my friends a safe passage through the storm. I chose a song that relates to the named storm, though the spelling is different. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Debbie -- B-52s

11-219 (6/8/24) -- Grammarian Plea

It felt cool outside today. A pleasant breeze with temperatures in the mid-20s Celsius and lower humidity was welcomed after the week of heat advisory days. Some light rain fell overnight that made plants look happy. I went for a short walk. I had planned a longer one, but stopped twice for lengthy conversations with neighbours and needed to head home for lunch. It was great to be comfortable outside for a change. 

The bright spot in the day was an e-mail from the journal editor. The revised paper we submitted on the weekend has been accepted for publication. I will ask about the timeline to help manage expectations. It will be wonderful to see this in print and shared widely. 

Writing is an art -- one I enjoy (most of the time <grin>). Peer review is a solid way of ensuring research findings are communicated well and that the science processes are sound. It can be demeaning, though, when some reviewers are a bit harsh and less constructive than they could be. It can be difficult to respond to some comments that may not be clear. A final step to writing is to go over spelling and grammar in great detail. That process brought a song to mind -- a parody (that may seem harsh in some places). Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Word Crimes -- Weird Al Yankovic

Monday 5 August 2024

11-218 (5/8/24) -- Day of Waste

I've had a quiet day. The heat and humidity continued today, though forecasters suggest this will abate by tomorrow. It will remain warm, just not crazy hot and humid. That holds until the tropical systems head this way. We see more of those storms in late August to early October. 

I'll admit that I spent the afternoon binge watching several episodes of an older television series. In between, I took breaks to do small household chores. This is the big week for curbside pickup -- garbage, compost bin, and recycling. The latter goes out every other week. So, I have four things to cart across the street. Recycling is done in two separate bags -- one for paper and one for plastics, glass and aluminum. This is one thing that makes me happy to live in this province. We have been doing curbside recycling pickup for many years. Garbage goes in a clear bag -- with the option for one small opaque bag for personal waste. This makes it more difficult to circumvent the sorting. Waste collectors can refuse to take bags with recycling or composting waste in a clear bag -- and will not take black bags at all. This has greatly reduced the amount of waste hitting landfills -- by one half or more. It took some time to get this process working as many folks chose not to be told how to throw out their trash. With time, though, things seemed to have settled. Granted, some people still refuse to sort, but they are in the minority now. 

While pondering the environmental benefits of the provincially legislated waste management, the first lines of a song came to mind and made me giggle. In fact, the full lyrics fit the chores I was trying to get myself to do today. Yet, I seemed prone to waste the time vegging in front of a screen <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Yakety Yak -- The Coasters

11-217 (4/8/24) -- Green Thumb

Today was another household chores day. I dusted, vacuumed and steam cleaned the floors. The latter two led to my back remining me that I'd flipped the mattress yesterday <smile>. I paused along the way doing stretches to help keep things as loose as possible.  

We were still under an extreme heat advisory complete with temperatures into the high 30s and feel like temperatures into the 40s. The sky was overcast again, but no rain seemed in the offing until late afternoon when a severe thunderstorm watch began. I heard a bit of distance rumbles but only light rain fell. I think the storm cells traveled a bit further north of us than predicted. Some overnight light rain is expected, which will make the lawn and garden plants happy. 

I water the garden daily. It has been weeks since a major rain left things adequately wet and I didn't need to water. On very hot days, I've watered twice daily. The tomatoes and herbs are doing well. The flowering plants not so much. Soon I will be picking tomatoes regularly. Lots are turning colour and more blossoms could lead to more fruits. Cool. The basil can be picked every few days -- great on a margarita pizza or in a red sauce. <smile> 

The chorus of a song seemed to fit my thoughts about gardening today. The broader meaning of the song is also something to ponder <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Let it Grow -- Eric Clapton



11-216 (3/8/24) -- No Rain

Another weekend has arrived. The first in August, which is a long weekend in most provinces and territories. Laundry was on the agenda, as usual. Today, I also turned the mattress -- yes, an older model that I should likely replace with one that doesn't need turning and flipping. Wrangling the thing made me think of workouts that flip huge truck tires. Those folks could have stayed home and done a similar exercise that works the back, legs, core and arms. I expect those areas to let me know later today or tomorrow that I have used those muscle groups. <grin>

It continues to be hot and humid. The forecast for the past few days has included a heat advisory. Rain has been forecast for late afternoon. We have had rain clouds blow by and today clouds covered the sky. The region has had very little rain for the past few weeks and the forecasters don't expect much during August. My front lawn is looking brownish in areas and has a crispy texture. The annuals have had their best days and are turning brown even with daily watering. If the yard is this dry the forests must be tinder dry, too. Just outside of town are areas with very high fire risk, while another area has a low risk. No complete fire bans have been put in place. It is something that brings concern. Now if I wish for rain, we might end up with more than desired in a short time period as the next tropical system is poised to head north over the next week. 

A few lines from a song about drought came to mind today. We are no where near this situation, but rain would help growers in the area, I'm sure. Keep safe. Enjy! 

Trouble in the Fields -- Nanci Griffith

Friday 2 August 2024

11-215 (2/8/24) -- End of an Era

Final edits (I expect) were submitted to the journal today. I hope this will allow things to move into the publication process. The weather was hot and somewhat humid today. Tomorrow is expected to be slightly warmer. I'd like to go for a walk, but the heat warning makes me think that might not be a good plan. We'll see. Indoor exercise could include much needed vacuuming and floor washing, but it would be cooler inside. <smile> 

Aerosmith put out a notice that they were retiring from the touring stage. Stephen Tyler's vocal injury sadly has left him unable to regain his pre-injury singing voice. After over 50 years of being together, such a decision must be heartbreaking. I chose to share a song for which they are well known. Much of the lyric seemed fitting for the news shared today. I also chose to share their version from 53 years ago. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Dream On -- Aerosmith 

11-214 (1/8/24) -- Petals

Today we start a new month.  Late blooming flowers are showing up in full force. The hydrangea out front will be in full bloom soon. The rose has been providing wonderful pink flowers. The rose petals scatter along the driveway and the front porch by the door. I love this. It is like a petal strewn pathway. Cool. 

At supper time I noticed the excavator had been left outside my kitchen window -- between my place the the one next door. They have been working on drainage issues on the block. The gravel-like base has been laid and topsoil will be next, followed by grass seed. The drainage should be improved so the rains don't flow between houses and up onto front lawns. This is just part of living in a construction zone -- newer builds with landscaping and such still underway. I expect morning wake ups from the equipment for a few more days. 

A song came to mind today when I walked through the petals. I share a version that makes me smile. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

La Vie en Rose -- Tony Bennett & k.d. lang

11-213 (31/7/24) -- Head Banging

I woke with headache and a bit of soreness in my throat this morning I just wanted to stay in bed. I got up and made breakfast. I walked out to check the mail and found a single flyer. As I tried to get moving to the things necessary to complete today, I heard heavy equipment in the area. Within an hour, a dump truck had left a load of soil by the back corner of the building. Someone else was chopping down some weeds between buildings. All of this was about 8 to 10 feet from the bedroom. The banging noises and vibrations didn't help the headache. Nor did it help me rest a bit. That will have to wait until everyone goes home for the day. 

With the physical affliction and then the work going on outside the windows, I thought a head banging tune fit the way it all went down today. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Smells Like Teen Spirit -- Nirvana

11-212 (30/7/24) -- Lost

Today we received a response from editors asking for a few further minor edits. There is nothing substantive, just some clarification needed -- nothing substantive, just some clarification. After feeling a bit lost most of the day, this gave me direction and got me up and moving again. Odd that. There were several items that needed doing but didn't help me feel energized. I'm hoping that when I finish the changes and get the files in order and submitted again, that I will still feel like doing the other items from the dreaded list. <smile> 

A number of days have had that 'lost' feel to them lately. I'm trying to work through what causes this -- one thing or a combination of several things. I'm leaning towards the latter, but I could be wrong. I will continue to explore the feeling and see if the cause surfaces. In the meantime, I will look to music to help me work through things. A line from the chorus of a song ran through my head as I tried to determine why I felt so lost today. So -- I share that song with you today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For -- U2

11-211 (29/7/24) -- Monday Mood

It was a real Monday. The day was slow. The lack of sleep is catching up with me. I did very little today other than the basics. I've had a few nights of disrupted sleep and early morning waking that just didn't give me enough time to get some restful sleep. 

My brain was not in full gear, either, so the blog is short. Not much introspection going on today. The song chosen deals with the day and how I felt about it -- a favourite from many years ago. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!

I Don't Like Mondays -- Boomtown Rats

11-210 (28/7/24) -- Inveterate List Maker

Major accomplishments for the day included getting the hummingbird feeder hung on patio; getting litter out of a giant box and into pails that I could carry; running to Shoppers for milk; folding laundry and then working on final formatting of manuscripts for submission -- one unblinded and one blinded along with a response to reviewer comments. I realized when I blinded the manuscript I had to remove the cover page with author names. As I finished it all, I suddenly realized that removing the title page changed the line numbers. Why an issue? The responses to reviewers referred to where in the document changes were made using the line numbers. So, I had to revisit all of those so they match the new line numbers. All got done and supper was late again tonight, but the revisions were submitted to the editors and are off my desk. Now we wait for the responses. 

It felt good to get one large item and several small things off my 'to do' list. The list becomes a parking lot more often than not. Someone asked why I made a weekend list. The weekend came when I was still working. The list was always overly ambitious. I thought about the question for a bit and said that it was likely the list was more aspirational than doable. I do think that if I put it on the list, I don't have to remember to do it. That frees the brain to deal with other things. It also plays to the anxiety I live with. If it is written down, I don't fret about it all night long. So, my list is a coping strategy of sorts <smile>. The list I made for the weekend is not for the week. This makes it more doable. So, in the end it is a wish list but something reasonable to complete in a finite time period. 

A song about a list came to mind. It might be impossibly pop, but that is what hit me today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Kiss on my List -- Hall & Oates

songs about to do lists

11-209 (27/7/24) -- Weekend Work

If there is laundry it must be Saturday. I used that as a break from doing the final formatting of the edited manuscript. I had supper at 9:30 PM -- six hours after starting what should have been quick <sigh> 

I took time to watch the earlier part of the opening ceremonies from Paris. I caught the end last evening, but got to see the rest today. I love the way they worked through history of the city. It was done in a wonderfully artistic manner and was easy to follow as the flame and hooded figure passed through historical sites. The rain was heavy at times, but it didn't seem to put anyone out of sorts. They all traveled along or watched from the river banks or bridges along the way. Paris is on my travel list -- just not when something huge like the Olympics hits town. <smile> 

A dear friend reminded me of a song with an opening lyric that fits the evening in Paris. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Somewhere Along the Line -- Billy Joel


11-208 (26/7/24) -- Incredible Performance

 We had a final meeting for review of the paper, which leaves me with the final formatting of edits and responses to reviewers. That will be the main event for the weekend so it can be submitted soon. I often get to the point where I am so over a piece of writing. The fun has gone out of it as all the nit-picky details have to be completed. I guess that is what I need to focus on between laundry loads tomorrow. <smile> 

I watched parts of the Olympic opening ceremonies. It was unique in many ways  -- the floating flame and the athletes' journey to the stadium by boat down the Seine. The whole event was filled with music of all types. The highlight for me and others was an amazing song that had been written and recorded by Edith Piaf. It was a perfect artist to honour during the ceremony. It was a stunning performance by a French Canadian. The two commentators were nearly speechless with one in tears. Given the artist's medical situation, this was incredible.  In case you missed it, I share it here tonight. It will blow up social media, I'm sure. The passion of the song is clear and her delivery is amazing. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

 L'hymne a l'amour -- Celine Dion 

Thursday 1 August 2024

11-207 (25/7/24) -- Socialite

Today was a social day. I had lunch with a good friend. We had a great conversation as usual. We can always talk about anything and everything. <smile>. In the evening I attended a reception in the neighbourhood. The Alumni Office of campus organized the event. It was for alumni and retired faculty and staff. I saw a number of people who moved up here over the past several years -- faculty and administrators. The university President spoke about new building plans and directions for the campus. He also provided a great introduction of his first days in the community when he couldn't see anyone for the 14 day quarantine in place due to the pandemic. The school was closed at that time, too. To say it was challenging would be an understatement. It is likely they will do this annually and I look forward to another gathering. It was a fun evening.  

The first line of a song kept running through my head this evening. That made me smile. <grin>  I share a version that comes from a time when LPs were either mono or stereo. Imagine! <gg> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

You Can't Always Get What You Want -- The Rolling Stones


11-206 (24/7/24) -- In a trance?

The writing saga continues. I printed another version of the paper to make it easier to go back and forth between paper and screen.  I polished most of the edits to near final forms. The co-author and I will meet to review these changes and then the final format changes will be made. 

When writing, I often underestimate the time different tasks will take. Finalizing a manuscript includes many small picky details. I've been doing this for years, yet the time it takes surprises me every time. The process takes me into a zone where I am focused on the words, excluding all other things. I generally realize that I am hungry and the clock tells me I'm several hours past eating time. The process involves a  trance-like state. It can be relaxing in some ways and results in a feeling of accomplishment. 

The selection today contains lyrics about the state I feel in when writing. The music for this one even feels like it could put you into a semi-conscious like state. <smile> It has a relaxing sound. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Hypnotized -- Fleetwood Mac