Sunday, 3 July 2022

9-184 (3/7/22) -- Clean-up Time

Temperatures were hot again today with a hefty dose of humidity into the afternoon. Just before sunset, we got the first of two major downpours -- short but intense. This is what they call 'sharp showers' in the UK. Small puddles appeared after the first of these events, so it really did pour. 

I spent most of the day doing household cleaning chores that felt long overdue. The sweeping needs doing almost daily now due to the furry one being in full shed mode. I swept the porches again trying to remove the blossoms before the rain. Clouds came and went throughout the day, but no rain until mid-evening. I took some time to get all four past blogs completed. Each had good notes with song ideas, but it took until today to get these polished to post. I also did another peer review report -- this one took only two-ish hours to type the notes. So-- a productive day all around. especially sweeping out the cobwebs -- literal and metaphorical. <smile> 

Removing the fur clumps, dust and webs (those critters are way too industrious) had me humming a melody and moving to the beat -- love that bass riff. It also helped me to smile and even to laugh a bit. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Another One Bites the Dust -- Queen 


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