Sunday, 31 July 2022

9-212 (31/7/22) -- Cooking Again

We had another sunny day with warm temperatures and a touch of humidity. I used the stove again today -- two days in a row -- without overheating the house. I made a big pan of onions and peppers that will ensure I get some vegetables in the diet on warmer days. Salads get old quickly. <smile> I even used the oven last night. That felt freeing <grin>.  Why is it that we crave things that produce extra ambient heat  when it is sweltering already? Perhaps the knowing that such foods will be off limits for a while creates the felt need.  

I headed out just after lunch to get some groceries -- mainly fresh veg with a few other items. I managed to get two full bags for $40! It has been a while since this happened. Some housecleaning got done and I folded the last of the laundry. How cool is that? <grin>  Cooking and cleaning helped me feel productive. I went for a short walk just around sundown. That felt good, too.  So, today was better than yesterday -- lots more action today. 

Craving foods that require a lot of stove top work or oven use took my brain to a song that fit my thoughts. It made me smile.  It is about something else entirely but still fits a bit. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Constant Craving - k.d. lang

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