Saturday, 16 July 2022

9-196 (15/7/22) -- What's Ahead?

Today the sun shone but some clouds moved in and out through the day. No rain or thunderstorm occurred, though we did have a power outage for a couple of seconds just before supper time. As one does when such outages or surges occur, I reset the many electronic clocks. <smile> I had a nice phone visit with a friend and we made arrangements to go out for supper next week. During my daily walk, I made the reservation. I also got back into a task that has been waiting for me for a while. I read through my notes for revising a possible publication and have been thinking of specific ways to address the comments provided by the journal editor -- hope to get to that tomorrow. 

So, it has been a reasonable day with some plans for the next few days taking form. Getting to focus on something like the writing, requires a clearer thinking pattern than the fatigue I've dealt with over the past while allowed. Making plans to do things that have been put aside takes some effort. I want to get back to doing more than I have been doing recently. I'll let you know as the plans take shape and how they are set into action. I will address the many tasks slowly rather than all at once, in hopes of being more successful with the changes. <smile> 

The chorus of a song ran through my mind a bit today. When I stopped and looked at all the lyrics, some of the other lines fit, too -- like turning to face myself <smile>.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Changes -- David Bowie

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