Saturday, 23 July 2022

9-203 (22//22) -- Heat Arrived

It has been another hot day, with even higher humidity than yesterday. It felt like walking into a sauna when I went out the front door today. Really! I dislike saunas. I know people who enjoy sitting in a sauna and have one in their home or cottage. That just doesn't work for me. Maybe it has to do with lowering blood pressure that feels uncomfortable. Maybe not. Either way, to me it is just plain yucky. 

I spent an hour or so at the grocery store today. There was a very long lineup to checkout this afternoon. Exchanges between customers waiting noted that at least it was cool where we were, so fewer sounds of discontent were present. I had a late lunch and then headed out to the physio office. It, too, felt wonderful due to the air-conditioning. I do have a portable a/c unit in the living room, which helps a bit. 

A dear friend reminded me of a parody that seems to fit the current weather situation. It does make me giggle, which takes my mind off the temperature and humidity. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Oy! It's so humid -- Two Live Jews

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