Saturday, 16 July 2022

9-197 (16/7/22) -- Rhythmic Focus

Today I devoted time to working on the writing project.  There is still more to do, but I need to let it sit for a day and put fresh eyes on it tomorrow. The information is there, but the flow will need some tweaking. The other major task undertaken today was laundry. For some reason, I still seem to relegate this one to Saturday. Having a semblance of a regular schedule can help keep one linked to the calendar. When retired, this can become a challenge since all days have the potential to feel the same. So, I choose to do this one on the weekend. <smile> 

Keeping a rhythm to life has been disrupted by the uncertainties of the past two years. Purpose can be lost. I've been working at re-establishing these two aspects of daily life. The one other daily routine that I'd like to alter is meal variety. Most people rely on only 10 to 12 recipes, with many using less than that. Routine is great, but mealtime can add some variety to the days and to the overall dietary intake. So, I will need to look through my recipe box and hand-written book and peruse the many cookbooks to look for new -- or renew -- ideas. Cooking provides a creative outlet and sense of accomplishment. the stepwise process brings a sense of calm. So, cooking not only results in great tasting meals, it also helps address stress. Cool, eh? 

A song that fits the direction I'm heading with the rhythm of life is shared tonight. The lyrics are about rhythm and the production demonstrates rhythm in multiple ways. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Rhythm is Gonna Get You -- Gloria Estefan

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