It has been a quiet day doing next to nothing Sometimes one needs a day like that. I did little chores but nothing big. My big outing was a longer walk than I've done for a while. My leg felt a bit better today, so I headed up to the gardens at the hospital just as twilight arrived. It is a peaceful place and was extra quiet since visiting hours were over. I was the only one there. That was a small gift for the day. <smile>
Small things can make a difference in the day -- both on the positive and the negative sides. A couple of tiny things irked me today, but when reflecting on the day, there were more positive bits. Not only could I sit in the gardens for a few minutes by myself, but the breeze helped to keep me cool as I hiked up the big hill to get there. The neighbour's dog and two cats each made themselves available for a greeting as I headed out on my walk. They always make me smile. A couple of smiles and one 'hello' from fellow walkers that I don't know brought smiles to me. The town is friendly -- much different from larger cities I've lived in where eye contact is discouraged when walking and one rarely goes for a walk without a purpose and even more rarely after dark. The moon rose early, so I could see it before the sun set. Once it was dark, the moon shone brightly and could be seen out my window. This is a bigger gift since we have had cloud cover often in the past couple of weeks and celestial bodies have not been visible much. Flowers continue to bloom in the yard and the neighbourhood. These change weekly -- nature putting on a great show this year. My tomato plant has recovered from the major transplant shock. This was a gift from a woman I don't know but had a short conversation with one day. How often does a stranger offer you a plant -- and one with the potential to feed you? I've felt the caring in that plant often. So, all in all the day brought small reminders that the world is filled with good -- even when it seems otherwise.
Pondering today pointed to the caring and love that exists all around. That may sound a bit sappy, but I believe it is an evidence-based conclusion -- the scientist in me coming out there <smile>. Lyrics of the song that came to mind to share today speak to this concept. Take care of each other. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Heal the World -- Michael Jackson
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