Wednesday, 27 July 2022

9-207 (26/7/22) -- Summer Music

Guess what? It was sunny and hot again today <smile> with thunder overnight and into the morning -- very little rain, though.  It felt a bit cooler inside -- just a bit. I did cook a quick one pan dinner for the first time in several days. 

I finished a writing project and got it submitted by late afternoon. Several business calls were made, with one leading to a meeting later in the week that should wrap up that topic -- finally. I went for a short walk just before sunset. I hadn't gotten out to walk for the past few days due to the heat. I find it difficult to call this a productive day, when it was on many levels. I'm not sure what I expect to happen but it is obviously unrealistic. There are many things that need doing in the next week or so, yet I expect to get through 'more' daily. <big sigh>. Getting to a less punitive space in my thinking will take some work. Success isn't always measurable -- as in how many things did I finish today. Nor do they have to be tangible -- or at least something one can hold in your hands. For years projects have been countable -- how many papers did I grade today? A lot of thought goes into many items on the 'to do' list before they are completed. I often omit this progress as part of productivity in  a day. Hmmm. Lots to consider here.     

Thanks to a wonderful friend who has been sharing performances from the Newport Folk Festival this past weekend. There were many great collaborations between older and younger artists. The song shared today is part of a full set with this icon and Brandi Carlile. Other recognizable faces are on the stage that is arranged to be like a living room jam. My friend shared this one with me knowing somehow that it might find its way to this blog <grin>.  Of course it would fit here. The topic fits the overall weather issues and the artist -- who now sings in my range -- lived in Saskatchewan for some time as a youth. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Summertime -- Joni Mitchell at Newport Folk Festival July 24, 2022

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