HOT! Wow! What a day! We had slight respite from the breeze and intermittent cloudiness. I was inside, which wasn't cool, either. <smile> A late afternoon visit to the physio got me to a place with central air conditioning for almost an hour. The forecasters suggest we should expect some rain overnight and into tomorrow, which will make tomorrow even more humid <sigh>. It appears that the next couple of weeks will be stifling.
I'm not someone who enjoys major heat or humidity of any sort. Yet, here I am living by the ocean <smile>. The lack of a good sleep when the overnight temperatures don't drop to cool the air for a brief few hours makes me very cranky. I need my sleep <sigh>. When I complain about summer heat and humidity, I feel like a CFA (come from away), yet many locals who were born and raised here feel just as cranky about such heat waves. So, I'm not alone. Somehow company in this misery doesn't help.
I kept hearing the title lyric line from an older (from the 1980s <gasp>) song throughout the day today. Be forewarned. I share it here with the warning that this may turn into an earworm for you as it did for me today. Keep safe. Enjoy!
The Heat is On -- Glenn Frey
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