Saturday, 20 April 2024

11-107 (16/4/24) -- Unfocussed Circling

Clouds and spitting rain greeted me on my journey to the mailbox today. By supper time, the rain clouds were fewer and portions of blue sky were visible. Not seeing sun or blue sky for days can create negative emotions in people. I met a man walking a poodle named Elvis while out. The man agreed that sunshine would help elevate feelings. 

I've been dealing with anxiety and fear lately. It affects me in interesting ways. I often feel cold. A soak in the tub can help warm me again. I feel tense, so muscles hurt. My jaw can be sore from clenching. I find myself pacing -- something that can help to reduce anxious feelings. Nausea can be part of the process, so I tend to drink ginger tea and eat crackers. Both are known to help ease nausea. Getting adequate sleep can help reduce symptoms, but sleep can be disrupted by the symptoms, so it becomes a circuitous plan that doesn't always work to reduce the anxiousness. Today I felt slightly better, though the butterflies, rapid breathing and muscle tension were still with me and were at a lower level than has been usual. The issue at the core of the anxiety will end soon, which should help me to feel less weird. Chatting with friends lately has helped me to refocus somewhat. 

Lyrics of a song speak to the circle-like process of anxiety. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Going in Circles -- Three Dog Night

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