Sunday, 28 April 2024

11-118 (27/4/24) -- Cleaning Corners

It was a day for cleaning out the corners. The fancy baseboards have less dust now <smile>. They look nice, but the many grooves and ridges attract dust and such way too well. A longer dusting implement will be needed to reach the ceiling corners. Nine foot ceilings are wonderful, but getting to the inevitable cob webs is very challenging. I will add that to my shopping list. I did not vacuum but will do some sweeping instead. Upon re-reading the instructions from the surgeon, it seems I should be doing less intense stuff for another week or so. I must admit that I am pleased to have a reason not to vacuum <grin>. Laundry is also underway as is usual for a Saturday at my place. 

While cleaning the house, I took some time to reflect on my moods and attitudes lately -- sort of clearing the corners of the mind, if you will. Getting some good sleep and seeing the sunshine and blue skies out the windows can improve my approach to the day. It is cold outside with a strong north wind today. Given the work inside today, I chose not to go for a walk. Next week there should be some double digit highs, though it may only be 10C. Overnight lows have been below freezing for the past few nights and will continue until mid-week. At that point, I plan to put out my perennials that over-wintered in the garage. Having some things growing on the patio, will help my outlook, too. 

One song title seemed to fit with the work and the pondering done today. The lyrics speak to why I tend to only read scrolling headlines these days. <sigh>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Dirty Laundry -- Don Henley

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