Sunday, 7 April 2024

11-96 (5/4/24) -- Deconstruction

Well -- no snow on the ground and only drizzle in the air today. Winds are less than last night. The forecast is for more mixed precipitation, but it looks like it will be less than original forecasts suggested. 

I worked on one of the writing projects today,  readying a manuscript for submission. So much small detail work required for this process. It takes much longer than one thinks -- even when I've done this many time before, I still expect it to take an hour or two. Just pulling the full manuscript apart to be submitted to an electronic template took longer than that. <sigh> So, next step is to begin uploading to the publisher's platform. 

Scheduling things from the 'to do' list into a day can be difficult when things take longer than expected. I have set alarms when getting into a major project that can't be finished in a day. This helps me get things moving in smaller chunks. I may have to resort to that with several items on that infamous list. A friend has been organizing projects using a series of 'to do' lists in journals for every few months. We each have to find a way to organize what needs to be done. It feels different when retired -- being one's own boss isn't all that easy, after all <grin> 

Lyrics of a song reminded me of my activities today deconstructing lists and manuscripts. This selection fits my thoughts of how nice it would be to have the steps needed to complete a task laid out for me -- or at least some of the steps that would get me to that destination. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Gimme Three Steps -- Lynyrd Skynyrd

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