Saturday, 20 April 2024

11-108 (17/4/24) -- Social Support

Today began early. A friend picked me up about 8:30 am and we headed to Halifax. Just past noon, I checked into the vision centre surgical clinic to have my cataracts dealt with. One was very bad and the second eye had begun to encroach on the visual field, so my optometrist referred me to the surgeon. I had both eyes done today. Surgery began about 1:30 and by 2 PM, I was walking out the door with my friend. Thankfully the eye shields they use are transparent, so I could see though it was rather blurry.  They provided a sedative that helped me relax a bit but it hung on for longer than expected. I was very sleepy from that and from the less than restful sleep I had last night. This day has been creating major anxiety for some time. 

During the early evening, I wasn't seeing very clearly. I had a brief virtual visit with a dear friend. I saw multiple images on the screen. Covering one or the other of the eyes provided fewer images, but still at least two of everything on screen. I headed to bed early for a very early risng again tomorrow. The follow up with the surgeon is 8 am tomorrow. 

The support received from wonderful friends provided a sense of calm. They checked in with texts, messages and skype ahead of and after the surgery. These communications helped me know I wasn't alone when I walked into the OR suite. I also appreciated the calm voice of the surgeon and his sense of humour. When he came to get me in the prep area, I was a bit wobbly when I stood up. He took my arm saying he was good at fixing eyes but wouldn't be much help with a hip. That made me laugh as we entered the cold scary room. 

The song chosen today highlights that we are part of networks that provide social support as we need it and allow us to help carry the loads of others on their journeys. It is reciprocal in nature and means so very much. I share the original recording by the singer-songwriter. It has been covered by others over the years. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Lean on Me -- Bill Withers


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