I went for lunch with a friend today. We had great food and a good visit. I checked the grocery store for lettuce again and had to get a rain check. There was very little lettuce of any type there again today -- after a supply truck had come overnight. <sigh> The lettuce was on sale (until tomorrow), but they had been shorted in their stock for the past two shipments. Other produce was available for pre-covid prices this week, too. I'm not sure where things are being sourced, but I will pay more attention to that in the coming weeks as local salad greens will be available.
I called a local store about something I'd seen in their window display last week. It was sold. <sigh> The manager said she would check if there is another in stock or would try to get another when she sees the supplier again. I hope she can find one as it would fit well in the décor of the new place -- most of which is all a plan on paper. Soon, things will go up on the walls and new furniture will replace the older pieces.
We had another bright blue sky day but still cooler with temperature and breeze. It froze overnight, so it felt colder in the house. Odd that this happens even when the temperature is set much warmer inside than it is outside. Hmmm. There was a slight expectation of frozen precipitation later in the week, but that may change as we get within 24 hours of the day.
My attempts to spend money today only to find the items I was looking for were not in stock brought the first verse of a song into my head -- where it has been playing over and over most of the afternoon <grin>. I love the title of the song as it pays homage to my favourite piece of clothing. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Forever in Blue Jeans -- Neil Diamond
-- checked grocery store and fourth item from yesterday's list was not in stock today, so I got a rain check for next time I am there.
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