Tuesday, 30 April 2024

11-121 (30/4/24) -- It's Amazing

Very strong, cold wind from the west overnight and during the day. When I headed out mid-morning, there was some rain and some snow in the air. The latter only lasted for a part of a minute at a time, the former was always around in a light drizzle way. Temperatures were cold even without the wind. By mid-afternoon, a mix of sun and cloud replaced the precipitation. April chose to exit with a reminder of winter. 

I had my first post-surgical checkup today. Healing is moving along as expected. In another four weeks, we decide on what type of prescription lenses might be needed. I'm expecting that this will be for reading and computer work -- close and mid-range vision. At present I'm wearing readers from the drug store. They work for short term stuff, but have created eye strain headaches when used for more than a quick vision job. I've had these readers for a while to use overtop of contacts that I needed for distance. I look forward to glasses that will correct for the slight differences in each eye. 

Again, I amazed myself when I could read the 20/20 lines -- such a huge difference over what I was able to see before -- and that was the corrected vision. Uncorrected, I could see nothing. So, this is a wild change. With ongoing healing and brain adjustments to changes, today was a good reminder that the process is still underway. Things will continue to change and the brain will continue to adapt. It all takes time and energy. 

The chorus lyrics of the selection for today say a lot of what I've felt recently. It is also an uplifting power ballad. If you listen closely you can hear Don Henley singing along with the lead singer in places. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Amazing -- Aerosmith 

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