Sunday, 7 April 2024

11-98 (7/4/24) -- Sleepy Feeling

It was a quiet day. I did a few things around the house, finished some blogs and cooked a bit. Each time I thought of going for a quick walk, the wind picked up and rain arrived. Each time that was a brief set of events, but by the time it cleared up, I was into something else. So, no walk today. I will make up for it when downtown tomorrow and park at the far end of Main Street and walk to the other end where my errands are situated. 

Watching the shrubs out the patio window demonstrated the strength of the wind. This has become my way to gauge the winds -- severity and directionality. It is easier than finding local measurements online. The area forecasters use is larger than just the town area. Measurements are taken down the highway a bit and are much closer to the straits than we are here. So, it is always a gamble as to what will actually occur in town. The app on the television will be removed by the end of the month since they seem not to be able to get the software working consistently and often the wind speed is provided but not the direction. That was the closest we had for local weather. So, with it gone, my information sources will diminish if not disappear. I think there are online apps that will work, but now I have to search and determine which is worth keeping on the devices. One more thing for that lengthy list of chores <grin> 

It was a lullaby sort of day <smile>. A dear friend went to a concert of big band tunes recently, which got me thinking of some of my faves -- Glenn Miller, Goodman, the Dorsey brothers and so many more. All of these folks got there starts in a band with Red Nichols called The Five Pennies. A biopic of his career was released in 1959. We watched this when I was a kid every time it showed up on TV. I own a copy of the dvd and cd. The music is wonderful. A favourite is a round (though Youtube posts insist on calling it a medley <smile>). The counterpoint is amazing. It could easily lull someone to sleep. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Good Night, Sleep Tight; Lullaby in Ragtime; and The Five Pennies -- Louis Armstrong, Danny Kaye, & Susan Gordon

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