Friday, 30 June 2023

10-181 (30/6/23) -- Seasonal Discomfort

Earlier in the week, I got a prescription filled for eye drops to deal with extreme itchiness from airborne allergies. Today I got a bottle of a new (to me) eye drop to deal with dryness and scratchy feeling eyes. We have smoke in the air continually and it comes from a number of different origins. The pollen counts have been higher this year, too. I love the flowers, but they do create allergic symptoms. When it is hot, I've been forced to open the windows in the evening. This action only adds to the symptoms. Now, to add to these issues, I'm moving, so am stirring up dust from the corners throughout the house. So -- I have the trifecta of allergy causes. What do I win? sneeziness, itchiness and major eye discomfort.  Members of the medical community have told me that this year seems worse. So it isn't just me. 

This time of year always reminds me of a song. It helps me to smile through the scratchy-itchy yuckiness. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Allergies -- Paul Simon

10-180 (29/6/23) -- Denseness of MInd

Tackled the kitchen today. I sorted through the spice cupboard and divested myself of several items. I did the same with the tea shelf. No need to move outdated products, eh? Got several other boxes filled and have some ready to go with packing paper tomorrow -- mugs, glasses and the mixing and serving bowls. I am trying to determine what to keep out for me to transport to the new place once the movers have done their part. Dishes and something to cook with, I guess. <smile> 

I felt particularly tired today and unable to focus. My brain was more than a bit foggy. So much to do and it all keeps swirling around in my mind -- making me less productive than I'd like to be. A song about fog from long ago managed to get through the denseness of mind today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

A Foggy Day -- Tony Bennett

10-179 (28/6/23) -- Dim Lighting

I spent the day packing buffet and china cabinet contents/ I will carry several of the smaller boxes myself and will take some up with me when I get the key and walk through next week. It was physically demanding today -- moreso than previous days. Tomorrow I will begin with the kitchen. There are a few items that need to be held back so I can continue to feed myself <smile>, but most can hit boxes. I have no plans to do major baking or cooking in the near future. <smile>   

Outside the windows the day was cloudy with thunder in early afternoon. The next few days will have clouds with some rain. It is difficult to keep track of time when buried in paper and boxes. The dimly lit day was overcast so the light was much like twilight until it was dark. It reminded me of a song lyric that came from the changing time during a busy day. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Hard Day's Night -- The Beatles

10-178 (27/6/23) -- Sunny Moments

Occaisonal sunny breaks through the cloud cover occured during the afternoon. Cloud and rain are expected for the next few days. My day was spent packing dining room stuff from the buffet and china cabinet -- mainly breakables and items from three generations. The need for more packing paper with the dishes and glassware took more time than less fragile items. Some particularly sensitive items are on tap for major packing tomorrow. 

I found the brief moments of sunshine today somewhat heartening. It reminded me of a song about the sunshine -- real and metaphorical.  It has a lovely melody and heartfelt lyrics. I chose a version with an unusual pairing. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

O Sole Mio -- Brian Adams & Luciano Pavarotti

10-177 (26/6/23) -- Stay the Course

I've found it interesting to hear the advice that people provide when they hear that I am packing boxes. Some are quite supportive while others seem a bit unrealistic. I take it as it comes and am sure it all comes from a good place. A worker at the pizza place said, "Stay strong." How cool is that. She definitely had been where I am. <smile> When buying more packing tape, the cashier said to have a good eveing. I noted I would, but that the tape would be part of the activities. He then said to have the best evening I could <smile>. One of the best came from a colleague who said, "Right now, you're the closest you've ever been to finishing." That one made my mind find the positive and giggle while doing it. 

I've been doing my best to fine things to smile about during this ordeal. It isn't too difficult most days, but some days I feel like I'm holding on to a thread as I dangle over a cliff. <smile>  That reminded me of a song that speaks to these type of feelings. The lyrics lead one to find a way to stay the course. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Hold On -- John Lennon

10-176 (25/6/23) -- More Time?

I'm down to 16 days and I am so over this packing stuff. The heat at present doesn't help the situation either. I'm packing upstairs, so the heat is more evident. I head into the basement to do laundry and take time to pack a box of some leftover items down there. That can help me feel cooler and productive at the same time. I want more time to get this all completed. At the same time, I want it over now. Those two desires are in conflict with each other, though. <smile> I've also postulated a thesis that while I sleep some creatures akin to the shoemaker's elves stop by to ensure that more and more things are present that will require packing. I keep finding things in corners I was sure I had emptied. <sigh>

Yesterday, a friend offered to help in a specific way. That meant so much. Not only is it one less thing for me to worry about, but it was a task that will go much more quickly with two people. How cool is that? 

Wanting more time to pack more things brought three words of lyric to my head. The song came from the early days of disco style music. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

More, More, More, How do You Like it? -- Andrea True

10-175 (24/6/23) -- Traverse the Wilds

I watched the latest episode of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. Frist Officer, Commander Una Chin Riley  spoke about the motto of Starfleet before the Federation -- Ad astra per aspera. This translates to "to the stars through hardship." She said to her this meant that to get to the stars, we must endure difficulties, but also could mean that the stars could deliver us from anything.  This gave me something to  ponder while planning and performing the packing rituals. To get to the end that will have some worthwhile outcomes, I must traverse the wilds filled with a number of difficulties to achieve the goal. 

I share the series theme from this part of the ST franchise. It contains parts of past themes, but isn't my favourite of the many we've encountered over the decades. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Theme 

Friday, 23 June 2023

10-174 (23/6/23) -- Shorts & Skorts

A very hot day with no clouds  in the bright blue sky added to the physical stress of packing and running errands. Sun can feel relentless some days. I took the long way home after my two errands. I stopped in to see a professional that I haven't seen for a year or so. We will try to have an appointment in a month or so -- after the move -- to finish the last of the projects we have been working on for a couple of years. It was fun to have a quick chat. 

I pretty much finished the spare room today. The trend has been that one or two items are leftover for any area that I've packed. These will go into some sort of miscellaneous box or boxes. After finishing the 'to do' list for the house, I headed out for a grocery run to get four items that are running low. I also did a curbside pickup for two new deck chairs. They look nice and feel great when sitting. Getting them in  the front door of the house was giggle worthy. The screen door will not stay open as the slide doesn't slide. <sigh> I got the two stacked chairs almost entirely into the house when I couldn't hold the door wide enough to get the back chair legs over the sill. I had to go out the back door and then tackle the final push from outside the front door. At times like this, I'm very pleased to be set far back from the street sheltered by several trees <smile> -- makes it more difficult for neighbours to pull up a chair and watch my progress. <grin> 

I found an upbeat song about the weather -- great reggae beat. I enjoyed getting to wear shorts and a skort today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Sun is Shining -- Bob Marley

Thursday, 22 June 2023

10-173 (22/6/23) -- Glimmer of Light

The day was sunny and much warmer than the past week or two. The next two days will be hot and humid. Temperatures will drop to warm after this short wave of heat, but with rain and humidex  It is that time of year, I guess. 

I did a lot of organizing and packing in the guest room and have just a few other things to get into boxes there before moving to dining room stuff -- china cabinet, sideboard and a smaller dish cupboard. I'll follow with the kitchen and then finish the bedroom. It will be difficult to work in the heat and humidy over the next few days, but it will need to be done. I will take breaks to run errands at tores so I can enjoy their air cocnditioning. Time is beginning to race by even faster than it has been.  Packing seems to take much longer than I think it should. Soon, though. <smile> 

An appointment today left me with some great positives to ponder. It helped me to  smile more today than I have for the past while. A song that can be calming and speaks to hope came to mind today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Over the Rainbow -- IZ

10-172 (21/6/23) -- Aim for Positive Change

I paid some bills and found an item while shopping online. I have a curbside pickup for a larger item so the store staff can get it into the car. That will need to wait until tomorrow. The plumber called just after 4:30 to say he'd be a half hour or more. He arrived over an hour later. I wasn't getting into a major packing situation only to have to stop to deal with the plumber. He replaced the whole toilet in the second bathroom (basement) in about one and a half hours. So -- The final 2+ hours of my packing day were far less productive than I'd hoped. 

I have an early morning appointment tomorrow and the quick trip to pick up the order made today. After these tasks are done, I'll commit the rest of the day and early evening to packing. The forecast states that it will be very hot for the next three days. That may make the upstairs very uncomfortable, but things have  got to find their way into boxes. I can do a bit of work downstairs in between since it is cooler down there at present. 

A song lyric that makes me think of a positive change on the horizon is shared here. Finding the positives can be tricky at times. I am working on changing my focus. I don't want to be like people I've encountered that seem to be in a funk all the time. I want to find the small things that can make the day feel good instead of oppressive. <smile>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Hold On -- Wilson Phillips 

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

10-171 (20/6/23) -- Solitary Tedium

It was cloudy with sunshine arriving by late afternoon. I had a wonderful lunch with colleagues -- the first time we've been together in a long while. I found it very pleasant to be together again. 

Of course, packing was involed and I did some final bits and got another room completed today. I will tckle the next in line starting tomorrow. Some items have been packed there already, so it is doing the final parts for that room which may take more than one day. We'll see. A few fragile items that were packed today will travel with me rather than the movers. This is quite doable for a local move. I'm not sure my packing is adequate to stand up to being stacked and packed into a truck. <smile>  

I realized that what I'm feeling is similar to past moves, but the last one was many years ago. Packing is rather solitary and the repetative nature of it all can be mind-numbing and bring on a type of boredom. There isn't much new to challenge a brain as this whole thing drags on and on. Music helps most days. I was reminded of a song about the strange kind of tedium I'm experiencing. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Grand Ennui -- Michael Nesmith

10-170 (19/6/23) -- (Im)Patience

I had early and mid-afternoon meetings today. One was a great chat with a good friend. I'm planning fewer meetings during the next three weeks so that once the momentum takes over, I can just roll with it and hopefully get more done. I find working for an hour or two between meetings leads to very little progress. I can't fully commit to getting deep into something and then be interrupted in the middle of a larger project. So, small bits of organizing or one smaller box get tackled on such days. So, I'm moving the focus to the main task of packing for the move. 

We had a grey day with full cloud cover and  cool temperatures with wind that made it feel cooler. These are great days to be inside working when the place is known to hold heat. We expect hot temperatures in the latter half of the week, so it will get stifling inside the house. I hope to do some last bits of work in the basement rooms on the hotter days. Until then, I'm concentrating on getting the office done (almost there) and finish the guest room before it gets too hot. I can work on the living room with the portable a/c on the hotter days, if necessary, too.

A song ran through my head. I'd been listening to this band while packing as it makes me smile. Today, though, I sang the lyric by replacing the final word of the title with 'done'. It relates back to my lack of patience when looking at all the cupboards waiting to be emptied and all the boxes waiting to be filled. Keep safe. Enjoy!

I want it all -- Queen 

10-169 (18/6/23) -- Cardboard Dreams

I did a lot of work with closets today. All clothes hanging in the two closets as well as the coats at the front door were placed into dry cleaning bags or zippered clothes bags. These are now ready to be put into wardrobe boxes on the day the movers arrive. I changed out the summer and winter clothes. Some are on shelves for now for suitcases later and others are in large space bags and smaller zippered bags ready to hit the big boxes downstairs.

I had a very restless sleep last night -- thinking of boxes and packing again. While away, I slept well with no intrusive thoughts about the move. Being back home and being surrounded by things to pack or boxes empty and full has a negative effect on my attitude and thoughts. It is possible to get things done on time, but I have to focus and work steadily over the coming days. It can be difficult to get into it all, but I hope to find that groove. 

When looking in the room I tackled today, I saw empty and filled boxes and things still on shelves or in the closet. I felt like I should just run away from it all. <sigh> I didn't <smile>. I heard a song while listening to music as I worked. The title of this one was just how I feel these days. It will arrive, but not without some further gnashing of teeth. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

I want to break free -- Queen 

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

10-168 (17/6/23) -- Thunderous Roar

It was another cloudy day with rain later in the evening. When I got back home, I did laundry and some light housework. I felt very tired so ate a late supper, showered and rested with a television program and a late night chat with a dear friend. Throughout the afternoon, I just wanted to lie down,  relax or fall asleep and not think about how much packing remains undone. I managed to stay working.

On the way home, we stopped for a late breakfast and encountered a large number of bikers. While we left, there were nearly 100 bikes passing by to get to the main highway -- quite the thunderous sound. Whether this was part of a ride, run or rally remains unclear. I did hear a song from the distant past going through my head after this encounter. I didn't do much that was wild today -- laundry doesn't really fit that descriptor <grin>. 

Born to be Wild -- Steppenwolf 

10-167 (16/6/23) -- Tired Feet

 Today we had a full day of wandering through multiple stores to see what each had to offer. I got a few items for the new place and many ideas for other things that might work. I will come back in the fall after living there for a while and knowing what I might need. 

After so much walking, even with driving between shopping areas in the larger retail area, my feet were very tired. This may point to my need of new shoes <smile>. Runners are on the larger shopping list. We paused for an early supper at a lovely Greek restaurant -- something else not available in our little town. <smile> 

The physical effects of the day brought a song to mind that mentions wearing out shoes from so much walking. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Walkin'to New Orleans -- Fats Domino

10-166 (15/6/23) -- In the Big City

Today I did some packing early in the day. I got a few boxes filled, then I packed a small suitcanse. This felt different than a box, but still had some anxiety attached to it. I traveled with a friend to do an overnight shopping trip. The day was cloudy and wet. Rain poured down just as we left town, but it stopped just down the road. The cloud remained. 

We got to one store for a major browse before going for dinner at a wonderful Thai restaurant. I so miss Thai and Indian food in our little town. A bigger city often has a wider variety of cultural food stores and restaurants. I don't get out of town too often, so don't have access to these businesses too often. 

I chose a song about a big city. It is from the '60s era. Keep safe. Enjoy!

San Francisco -- Scott MacKenzie

10-165 (14/6/23) -- Hope in the Change

It has been a busy day. I packed a few smaller piles of stuff before going to measure for curtain rods at the new place. There are lots of large windows that will provide great light from the east and the west. I then made arrangements to transfer cable and electric utilities to the new place. I am into the final month before being fully moved to the new dwelling. 

I'm tired and having difficulty focusing. It has been like this for a long time and will continue. Getting to the 'end' of the process will only mean getting to the beginning of the next phase -- unpacking. Yet another hateful passtime. <sigh> If I recall correctly, it does go more quickly than packing. Finding places for all the things in a new layout can be challenging. This one doesn't have a linen closet, so where should the sheets and towels be housed? It likely won't make much sense until I get into the place and spend a few weeks living there and getting used to the space. New routines and pathways will emerge with time, and time will help me move things around to fit daily activities. It comes down to facing change head-on -- not something I do well. Change shows up regularly often with its good friend anxiety -- something I'm familiar with, but don't always manage well. Pausing to breathe and acknowledge feelings can help a bit. I will continue to find ways of handling the silliness that comes with major change.

Late in the afternoon, I spend time in the yard -- looking at the flowers and growth of the plants. I weeded a bit and just took time to breathe and enjoy the yard that I will miss so much. The plants reminded me of hope and resilience, which made a few lines of lyric stick in my head. I share a song about change but with a positive way of dealing with it all.  

Courage to Change -- Sia

Tuesday, 13 June 2023

10-164 (13/6/23) -- Reflections

Today was hot again making the house feel very warm. The sky was hazy today from smoke and a few clouds moving into the area. Rain is expected in the next two days. I spent most of the day catching up on some writing details that were needed for a meeting today. The project is almost completed and ready to submit. Those tasks took the entire afternoon. It feels good to see something other than boxes getting done. <smile>  Speaking of which, no boxes were filled today. I've made a short term list of the next steps to finish the office and spare rooms. Soon, I hope. 

I'll admit that when boxes aren't filled, I feel guilty and anxious with a touch of panic dropped into the mix every so often. Sadly, that often occurs at night when I'm trying to sleep. Rest helps get through the physical and mental work. Without rest, the anxiety builds and even little things become intrusions on my time. As an educator, I often felt that way during the heavier loads of grading and exams. My response is often anger -- when one more thing added to the chore list becomes one too many. Most often I witnessed that anger alone and was able to spare others from the diatribe. Perhaps my current situation reminds me of the upsetting parts of past work. It was good to have some time to explore the feelings today. 

A song about reflection seemed appropriate for the day. I love the poetry in these lyrics. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Summer Reflection Song --Donovan

10-163 (12/6/23) -- What day is it?

I spent the whole day packing. The two book cases in the office room were completed along with a few related things from the spare room and elsewhere. The only books left are the 'yet to reads' that are in the bedroom closet. Those will be done soon, too. After a meal break, I toted the blue recycling bags to the curb -- all 20 of them. There was a lot of styrofoam packing from electronics boxes. The e-waste left the house last week, so no need for the packing material anymore. 

I feel bone weary tonight. Even the smaller boxes I packed books into weighed A LOT. I was able to move them around a bit and form some stacks in the room. I have a small easy chair in there that will have to go to the living room to make room for the filled boxes. I'm still ready to find a corner to hide from all this freneticness. Move out is less than a month away now. Time seems to move so quickly when I want to feel calmer about getting everything done in time. When I am excited about something, time moves so slowly. Now, I am excited about some aspects of the move, but the work necessary to get to that point ceates more panic than excitement. 

All the thoughts about the movement of time brought a song to mind. The chorus lyrics describe that movement well. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Fly Like an Eagle -- Steve Miller Band



10-162 (11/6/23) -- Skyview

Most of the day was devoted to packing in the office room. So many things fill this area that it can be challenging to put it into boxes as related items. It did feel good to see some filled boxes taking over the space left when e-waste left the building. 

The day was sunny with mostly clear skies for a change. After sunset, stars were visible in parts of the sky. It has been a while given the much needed rain that has been around for several days. I heard a song while packing today. It fit the view of the sky well. I've used it inpast blogs becasue of the power it holds. There are several metaphors in play with the meaning behind the song that goes beyond the original reason behind the song. I chose my favourite version of this song -- a wonderful voice and presence here. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Stars -- Le Miserables (Phillip Quast 10th Anniversary concert) 

10-161 (10/6/23) -- Wake Up!

Another Satruday filled wth five loads of laundry and packign some of the many files that need to move with me. Everything will be moved into the filing cabinet once I get to the new place. It will be so much better have things in one central place. I finished packing in the storage room downstairs. I felt elated to hav one room completed. Lots lies ahead ofme, but one down and it was a biggie. 

I feel so tired. Packing can become all consuming -- all attention when awake and asleep. I lose focus at times by missing lunch. Setting an alarm helps me to pause and make a cup of tea or sit and rest a bit. But at times, I get so into the process that I miss resetting the alarm. I tell myself I'll just finish this one box or whatever is next. So, the goal going forward will be to stop when the alarm sounds and then reset the alarm when I get back into the thick of it all. 

I've heard a song playing in my head that may be a message to myself. I need to breathe and walk away from the packing processes to briefly regroup. It is a way to be kind to me. These moments of calm in a frenetic day are like waking up -- metaphorially. I need to be aware of the world around me, even if it is just outside my window. Whether I go for a walk or just pause to watch the birds or admire the plant growth, it will help me get through the move with some positive thoughts. . 

Lovely Day -- Bill  Withers

10-160 (9/6/23) -- Blossoms Blooming

Much of the day was spent running errands. I took several bags of books to drop off for the big sale tomorrow. I got groceries from two stores tor the few things I needed. I fonda bottle of wine recommended by a dear friend only to discover I brought the wrong grape variety home. That meant another trip out to return the Cab Franc for a Malbec. All bottles for four varietals have the same label with tiny writing noting which is which. It is much like the soup aisle at the grocery store when you get home with the wrong flavour. <smiles> I checked the mail on campus and chatted with a friend for a bit. At home I moved two bags and 14 boxes (of various sizes) to the front porch for donation pickup tomorrow. I did a bit more work packing in the office room, but had very little time left in the day after the protracted errands and a very late supper. 

while driving all over town, I noticed many wonderful purple flowers all around. Lilacs are nearly in full bloom. Out in my yard, the Japanese lilacs in full display mode with their tiny white flowers.  Pink and white blossoms from fruit trees are in full bloom right now, too. So, it is very lovely. I just need to take a moment to look around me instead of being focused on things that take much longer than planned. <smile> 

I share a song that fit the crazy day I had running all over town. I began with a cicular route, but ended up with major zig zag travels. It is a good thing I live in a small town <grin>. The selection for today brings a strong proggy focus -- or unfocus maybe? The title makes me giggle. Keep safe. Enjoy!    

When the Apple Blossoms Bloom in the Windmills of your Mind I'll be your Valentine -- Emerson, Lake and Palmer


Thursday, 8 June 2023

10-159 (8/6/23) -- Tears & Smiles

We had some small bits of blue sky briefly this morning, followed by cloud cover and haze which threw us into twilight-like dimness. I had a short walk to run and errand. When back, I walked through the yard to see how things are growing. The honeysuckle are in bloom and create a gorgeous pink wall at that edge of the property. Other flowering plants are growing well. The heat followed by cool rainy days seem to have helped things move along. I will miss these growing things when I move. Some parts of a few plants will move with me, but I can't take them all. <sigh>

Back inside the house, I spent six hours sorting and packing photos and files. I found a few spots that I missed when sorting earlier. That left me frustrated for a while. I found photos that brought teats and others that made me smile through tears. Just before I took a break, I was in tears over the whole packing process. From the other room, I heard a song. I was listening to the music app through the television. The song made me laugh out loud. It didn't make me invalidate my feelings, but helped me acknowledge them and move along. 

I share that one with you today. I love the singer's voice -- so distinctive.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Cry Baby -- Janis Joplin

10-158 (7/6/23) -- Boosted!

Today brought some haze mixed in with the cloud cover. I encountered only a bit of drizzle,so not much rain at all. Today I did some bits of packing after a meeting and a trip to the e-waste depot. A friend helped me with the heavier electronic components  -- packing them into the car and unloading at the depot. It feels good to have those out of the house. I'm not sure why I kept them for so long. <sigh> I also filled several canvas shopping bags with books to drop off for the book sale this weekend in support of our local library. I'm happy that these old friends will find a new home and support a local gathering place and that the electronics will become something new. 

I felt very fatigued throughout the day, had a bit of headache and the arm was a bit sore.  While I felt somewhat yucky, I was pleased that the immune system showed it was working. That is what a booster vaccine dose is all about, after all. A song played while I was working today that made me giggle. The words meant something different to me today. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Hit me with your Best Shot -- Pat Benetar

Tuesday, 6 June 2023

10-157 (6/6/23) -- Get the Groove Back

Today was grey and cool with a bit of dampness and breeze. When I walked to my appointment, it felt comfortable, but cooler than most people would like at this time of year. I'm liking the cool damp days due to the fires and I sleep better without heat nad humidity. The heat pump at the new place will be a welcome change. I got a COVID booster for the bivalent vaccine this afternoon. I'm expecting a bit of arm soreness and a restless sleep tonight, but that is the worst of the past doses. Sometimes I've had a day or so of fatigue, too. I made a loaf pan of baked pasta so there is something easy to heat and eat over the next week. I plan to put a few portions into the freezer and keep the others for the next couple of days. It was my first effort and I did enjoy the flavours and textures. I've made lasagna, but this was much quicker to put together. So, something new in the midst of all the angst of cardboard. 

I'm worried that the soreness or fatigue will slow my progress with packing process. I'm trying to be kind to myself, but time is shrinking and I need to have things ready for the movers in five weeks. That sounds very scary. Several of the days are partial days due to meetings and medical appointments. I also am going to Halifax to shop for a few new things. All are necessary activities, but I work best with a large time -- like a whole day without interuption. Doing an hour here and there doesn't work well as I'm not sure what could be done in a shorter period. I have always been this way -- with writing projects and even grading. I get into a groove and stay there until things are done or completed enough to take a short break before restarting. It has proven difficult to change this work procedure. 

I chose a song that speaks to changing the way the world is seen and learning our place in it. This one has so many wonderful metaphors in the lyrics. I love metaphor in case you hadn't picked that up from the blog <grin>. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Finding My Groove -- Trace Adkins

10-156 (5/6/23) -- RAIN!

The week began with lots of rain and fairly cool temperatures. A trip to the e-waste depot was postponed to a less rainy day later in the week. I ran through the last of the book stashes and found a few more to donate. I spent some time in the afternoon writing an annual research report. I think things are moving forward more this year than last year at this time. It hasn't been as productive as I'd planned, but things are moving for the first time in a while. 

The heavy rain forecast by the meteorologists arrived into the evening. It poured -- like POURED. I love the sound of rain on the roof. Without major winds, the rain falls in a relaxing rhythm. It seems comforting in a way. This is especially so due to the rain needed to help contain the wildfires, which are the worst in history this year. I thought of a song from the dim, distant past. <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy

Rhythm of the Rain -- The Cascades

10-155 (4/6/23) -- Laundry Upheaval

I spent time today preparing for an e-waste run tomorrow and gathering the eight bags of garbage going to the curb tomorrow evening. It was cold and damp again today. That is not a cmplaint as more of this type of weather will be good for fighting wild fires and for packing boxes on the main floor of the house -- where it gets as hot as the outdoors at this time of year.  

The question of the day -- Is there anything more frustrating than dealing with the aftermath of a tissue disintegrating in the wash -- especially a load of dark clothes? I can't recall that last time this happened to me -- it has been decades. I check pockets and did again for this load. Somehow the little begger hid to get past my searching eyes. <sigh> I hate putting some clothes into the dryer -- so many have some degree of spandex or elastic, neither of which stands up well to the heat of the dryer. There is no cool cycle on the dryer I have in this rental unit, so I will wait until things are mainly dry from hanging on the clothes horse. Then I will put them in the dryer for a quick spin around. I hope that works. 

I heard the title line of a song run through my head as I surveyed the dark clothes covered in white specks. It seemed fitting. <smile> It is a single from the singer-songwriter's solo career. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Dirty Laundry -- Don Henley

10-154 (3/6/23) -- Which Way?

I spent a big part of the day working in office area of house to get things into boxes. I sorted the many books and was able to part with enough for three medium boxes to donate to a library fundraiser next weekend. Several more recycling bags were filled today, too. A few garbage bags will go out on Monday. I'm pleased that fewer bags are headed to landfill. The blue bags will become something new, which feels positive. They go out next week for curbside pickup. 

When I began in the office today, I felt the anxiety poking at me and the beginning of tears. I took a few deep breaths and stepped into the disarry. I had thought of putting files and photos in boxes, but moved to sorting through the books. It felt more manageable and was a huge undertaking. The feeling of being lost and not knowing where to begin has been quite common as this adventure has moved forward. While working today, I had a TV music channel playing in the background -- heavy on that last word. At one point, I heard a melody line and stopped when I realized the lyrics noted something I've been seeking for some time. The song is shared here today. The vocal effects are wonderful. The only live video I found showed the artist with a Strat, though he also is known for his Les Paul. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Show Me the Way -- Peter Frampton

10-153 (2/6/23) -- Up Side to Rain

I had a wonderful lunch with a friend today. It helped to provide a sense of normalcy in the world that is filled with cardboard and stuff. I shared some of the many canning jars from the basement. It felt good knowing they were goint to someone who would use them. The other option would be recycling, but that seems a waste in some ways. I spent a good part of the afternoon packing boxes and bags for the donation pickup next weekend. It felt good to get that finished before the night before the truck comes by for a change. 

It was cloudy and cool most of the day, with rain starting in the early evening. It poured later into the evening. We really need this change in weather to heop battle the many wildfires. I never understood rain like I do after moving to a maritime climate. I grew up with downpours from thunder storsm. When I move east, I learned to like the all day rains. It is nice to walk in the rain -- without wind, of course. And the rain now and in coming days will be welcomed by firefighters dealing with multiple wildfires. I like this song that speaks to learning to like the rain. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Like the Rain -- Clint Black 

10-152 (1/6/23) -- Taking Control

Today I walked out to do a few errands and attend an appointment. I met with a research colleague who is in the midst of a move, too. We had lots to discuss about writing and packing. I spent time in the basement finishing the sorting of saved boxes. I think this will help me move into the major packing process if I have boxes labeled to hold certain items. I think this will make it easier than searching for a box that fits. Such a time waster that is. <sigh> I got so into the sorting business that I completely forgot about a weekly meeting with a friend. She forgot, too, so we were OK. <grin>. We plan to meet tomorrow around lunch. 

Today was HOT -- 32C out my kitchen window but light haze or cloud or a mix meant direct sun wasn't as present as yesterday. This mad it feel less oppressive today. Cloud and rain are expected for the next few days -- much needed due to little rainfall in May and the many wild fires in the province. 

Getting so deep into the moving activities that I forget about other committments is bothersome. I'm glad that I got the sorting done, but dislike that I didn't take the break for a video chat as planned. There is good and not so good in missing an event. When anxiety runs high as it can with major changes and deadlines such as I am experiencing, the brain appears to be fully focused but may be less focused and more panicked. I have been setting an alarm to allow me to check in with myself or get to another time-sensitive task. Today I didn't do that. Just another thing that I need to think of to make the experience feel less anxious. 

A song chorus and title made me think of setting my alarm so I'm not controled by anxiety but I am attempting to control it. It made me smile since the lyrics are likely about something else entirely <grin>. Either way, it works for me. 

Already Gone -- The Eagles

10-151 (31/5/23) -- Relating to Time

I had a phone meeting with a friend and another appointment in the late afernoon. It was quite warm. Well, really it was outright hot. I spent most of the day working in the basement where it was mercifully cool. I broke down boxes that have seen better days and sorted used boxes into piles by rooms that will be packed. 

Upstairs was very warm, so I pulled out summer pjs to make the night more comfortable. By the weekend, the forecast notes there will be cooler temperatures and much needed rain. The wild fires outside Halifax and further south and west have damaged or destroyed over 200 homes and businesses this week. 

I'm down to 40 days and 40 nights before the move. That just doesn't seem anywhere near enough time to put what remains into boxes. I like the metaphor of the title and chorus of a song since the metaphor describes how I feel as time slips away as I head closer to the day of the big move. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Flirting with Time -- Tom Petty and the Heart Breakers

10-150 (30/5/23) -- Split Focus

Today was sunny and warm. I had an in-person appointment with my MD, who will be retiring next month. The practice will have new physicians along with allied health professionals. That made me feel better since I'm at the point in life when I'd like some continuity of health care. We do have many people in the province who do not have a family physician. There is a shortage of people moving into that specialty area. Later this afternoon, I also had a good meeting with a research partner about a writing project. In between meetings, I did a quick shopping trip. 

The day was filled with small tasks and meetings. Not much went into boxes today. It will improve. To be frank, I has to improve <smile>.  I didn't hear about the death of Greg Alman until today. He passed last weekend. My flitting from one task to another lately seemed to fit with the title of a song by the Allman Brothers Band. I share that one here today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Ramblin' Man -- The Allman Brothers Band