I did a lot of work with closets today. All clothes hanging in the two closets as well as the coats at the front door were placed into dry cleaning bags or zippered clothes bags. These are now ready to be put into wardrobe boxes on the day the movers arrive. I changed out the summer and winter clothes. Some are on shelves for now for suitcases later and others are in large space bags and smaller zippered bags ready to hit the big boxes downstairs.
I had a very restless sleep last night -- thinking of boxes and packing again. While away, I slept well with no intrusive thoughts about the move. Being back home and being surrounded by things to pack or boxes empty and full has a negative effect on my attitude and thoughts. It is possible to get things done on time, but I have to focus and work steadily over the coming days. It can be difficult to get into it all, but I hope to find that groove.
When looking in the room I tackled today, I saw empty and filled boxes and things still on shelves or in the closet. I felt like I should just run away from it all. <sigh> I didn't <smile>. I heard a song while listening to music as I worked. The title of this one was just how I feel these days. It will arrive, but not without some further gnashing of teeth. Keep safe. Enjoy!
I want to break free -- Queen
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