Tuesday, 6 June 2023

10-155 (4/6/23) -- Laundry Upheaval

I spent time today preparing for an e-waste run tomorrow and gathering the eight bags of garbage going to the curb tomorrow evening. It was cold and damp again today. That is not a cmplaint as more of this type of weather will be good for fighting wild fires and for packing boxes on the main floor of the house -- where it gets as hot as the outdoors at this time of year.  

The question of the day -- Is there anything more frustrating than dealing with the aftermath of a tissue disintegrating in the wash -- especially a load of dark clothes? I can't recall that last time this happened to me -- it has been decades. I check pockets and did again for this load. Somehow the little begger hid to get past my searching eyes. <sigh> I hate putting some clothes into the dryer -- so many have some degree of spandex or elastic, neither of which stands up well to the heat of the dryer. There is no cool cycle on the dryer I have in this rental unit, so I will wait until things are mainly dry from hanging on the clothes horse. Then I will put them in the dryer for a quick spin around. I hope that works. 

I heard the title line of a song run through my head as I surveyed the dark clothes covered in white specks. It seemed fitting. <smile> It is a single from the singer-songwriter's solo career. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Dirty Laundry -- Don Henley

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