Friday, 30 June 2023

10-179 (28/6/23) -- Dim Lighting

I spent the day packing buffet and china cabinet contents/ I will carry several of the smaller boxes myself and will take some up with me when I get the key and walk through next week. It was physically demanding today -- moreso than previous days. Tomorrow I will begin with the kitchen. There are a few items that need to be held back so I can continue to feed myself <smile>, but most can hit boxes. I have no plans to do major baking or cooking in the near future. <smile>   

Outside the windows the day was cloudy with thunder in early afternoon. The next few days will have clouds with some rain. It is difficult to keep track of time when buried in paper and boxes. The dimly lit day was overcast so the light was much like twilight until it was dark. It reminded me of a song lyric that came from the changing time during a busy day. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Hard Day's Night -- The Beatles

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