Thursday, 8 June 2023

10-159 (8/6/23) -- Tears & Smiles

We had some small bits of blue sky briefly this morning, followed by cloud cover and haze which threw us into twilight-like dimness. I had a short walk to run and errand. When back, I walked through the yard to see how things are growing. The honeysuckle are in bloom and create a gorgeous pink wall at that edge of the property. Other flowering plants are growing well. The heat followed by cool rainy days seem to have helped things move along. I will miss these growing things when I move. Some parts of a few plants will move with me, but I can't take them all. <sigh>

Back inside the house, I spent six hours sorting and packing photos and files. I found a few spots that I missed when sorting earlier. That left me frustrated for a while. I found photos that brought teats and others that made me smile through tears. Just before I took a break, I was in tears over the whole packing process. From the other room, I heard a song. I was listening to the music app through the television. The song made me laugh out loud. It didn't make me invalidate my feelings, but helped me acknowledge them and move along. 

I share that one with you today. I love the singer's voice -- so distinctive.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Cry Baby -- Janis Joplin

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