Wednesday, 21 June 2023

10-170 (19/6/23) -- (Im)Patience

I had early and mid-afternoon meetings today. One was a great chat with a good friend. I'm planning fewer meetings during the next three weeks so that once the momentum takes over, I can just roll with it and hopefully get more done. I find working for an hour or two between meetings leads to very little progress. I can't fully commit to getting deep into something and then be interrupted in the middle of a larger project. So, small bits of organizing or one smaller box get tackled on such days. So, I'm moving the focus to the main task of packing for the move. 

We had a grey day with full cloud cover and  cool temperatures with wind that made it feel cooler. These are great days to be inside working when the place is known to hold heat. We expect hot temperatures in the latter half of the week, so it will get stifling inside the house. I hope to do some last bits of work in the basement rooms on the hotter days. Until then, I'm concentrating on getting the office done (almost there) and finish the guest room before it gets too hot. I can work on the living room with the portable a/c on the hotter days, if necessary, too.

A song ran through my head. I'd been listening to this band while packing as it makes me smile. Today, though, I sang the lyric by replacing the final word of the title with 'done'. It relates back to my lack of patience when looking at all the cupboards waiting to be emptied and all the boxes waiting to be filled. Keep safe. Enjoy!

I want it all -- Queen 

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