Sunday, 30 October 2022

9-303 (30/10/22) -- Sky View

Sunshine and clear blue skies filled the day. I walked for a while in the warmish weather. I felt sad most of the day, though there were moments that helped me to relax and move my shoulders back to where they belong -- somewhere south of my ears <smile>. There will be some further major branch removal in the back yard tomorrow morning. An arborist will have the two trees that need to come down on his list. That visit may take a long time as this profession has more work than they can handle at present. At least the place will be in a queue finally. 

The past two nights I've seen the cresent moon in the southwest sky by suppertime. The moon is rising in the afternoon now, so it sets into the early evening. That may be why I didn't see the waning moon on the few clear nights we had a while back. 

The skies can affect mood. Sunshine is known to elevate mood, particularly in areas like here where skies are often cloudy during fall, winter and spring. Seeing the moon helps me to relax and smile a bit, too. I enjoy looking at the stars, planets and satellites in the night sky. I'm not sure everyone takes note of the coolness they can see -- natural and made by humans. Some apps of the night sky note the space junk that orbits the earth -- the amount of this can be surprising. I still think back to the amazing clear skies we could see when the power was out after the hurricane. The brightness of the celestial bodies was stellar -- so to speak <smile>.  

Looking at the sky can help me centre somewhat -- my issues may not be as huge as I can sometimes make them be. <smile> It also gets me into the moment and not stuck in a past or future place. All that helps to reduce some of the anxiety -- at least for short while. The selectin today is a fun song about the sky and stars. I enjoy this version for the alternative production. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds -- Elton John 


Saturday, 29 October 2022

9-302 (29/10/22) -- Finding Positives

This lovely sunny day was filled with laundry and errands.When picking up one needed item for the kitchen, I found a gift and camping lights.  Late alst night, I was able to book an appoitment for a bivalent COVID vaccination next week. I couldn't believe how ridiculously excited that made me feel. <smile>  

So, today has been one of preparations. Finding the first Christmas gift for this year felt like a step in the forward direction. The camping lanterns are the same as those my friends used during the power outage, so I feel a bit more prepared for the next loss of power and potential winter storms. The vaccine definitely helps put me in a better place to fend off encounters with the virus during the 'indoor' season. I've been trying to make plans for several personal and professional goals, so anything that moves me forward in some way feels good. 

A focus on the positives, no matter how small they may be, can help to reduce the impact of the less posiive aspects of of our days. the song chosen for today speaks in positive ways of the future. I love the blending of different music styles in this version.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Tomorrow -- John Legend, Nas, Florian Piccaso 

Friday, 28 October 2022

9-300 (27/10/22) -- Pondering Stairs

Today IT updated my computer so I had to reinstall software and reorganize the desktop. While on campus to do this, I separately ran into three colleagues and had short updating chats. All conversations seemed to head into the ongoing cleanup of hurricane damage and the difficulty in getting hold of the scope of the damage. Now there were visual reminders all around us as we spoke, so that may not seem as odd as it might.  

The warm and humid weather made my walks a bit uncomfortable. The office was very hot with no air movement from the window -- facing the wrong direction for the breeze today. I did the stairs slowly -- all 162 of them <smile>. I did my best to minimize the number of stairs while outside, though this meant encountering a few hills in the process. I was a bit concerned since I hadn't been doing the inside stairs as often as before due to a leg injury -- 65 stairs from sidewalk to top floor. I went out to pick up lunch from across campus, so had to do the building stairs twice. There is no elevator in this building, It is nice and quiet for reading and writing, so well suited to doing research activities. 

Taking the many stairs climbed today as allegory, the climb could represent a journey to peace and understanding. A song lyric holds some of this metaphor of life. I'll share this well known song for that  more than the title. <smile>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Stairway to Heavan -- Led Zepplin


9-299 (26/10/22) -- Restless Sleep

The day was another very warm day for the end of October -- 24C (75F). A friend and I went for a walk and had a good chat over tea.We haven't seen each other in-person for almost two months, though we have met virtually during that time. Skies were grey during the day, but humidity fell between 80-90%, so it felt very warm outside. Thankfully, there was an occasional cooling breeze that helped. I also spoke to another friend by phone earlier in the day. So, my day had positive interactions that helped me today. In an early evenng walk to Main Street to run an errand, I chatted with a couple neighbours and met a new one. Everyone was making the best of the warmer day. 

The house has ben humid of late, too, which makes sleeping more restless than usual. I've woken to the alarm most days rather than earlier as is often the case. I don't feel rested when I do wake. Yet, I haven't had as many unintended naps as is often the case in such weather. Overnight lows and daytime highs should drop in the next couple of days bringing more seasonal temperatures. 

The song shared today deals with lack of sleep similar to what the humidy has done lately. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Insomniac's Lullaby -- Paul Simon

9-301 (28/10/22) -- Future Climate

The weather today became more expected for the month of October, although it is nearly over. We had wonderful sunshine with daytime high temperature similar to the overnight lows of recent days -- 11C (52F). The northerly winds made the air feel even cooler. A friend and I headed for a walk mid-afternoon and stopped for tea and a chat. I hadn't eaten lunch yet since I'd been doing a few errands and registering some online concerns with a corporate entity regarding recent customer service and product quality. We'll see where that goes <smile>.  

Locally, the Fridays for Future climate campaign has gathered at the end of the week in a formal protest to draw attention to and advocate for policy changes needed at all government levels and in our own homes. With only three days left in October before we finally have seasonal temperatures, there are tangible things that we are all living with in the moment that could be put down to climate change. My street was closed off yesterday and today as crews removed huge tree root balls, filled in holes and reseeded with grass. These trees were lost during Hurricane Fiona's visit -- another impact of climate change. These weekly gatherings will conntinue for the coming weeks.   

I share a song today that advocates for awareness of the global environmental situation. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Short Supply -- Tracy Chapman

Tuesday, 25 October 2022

9-297 (29/10/22) -- Pulling Together

Today was shopping day. I finally found some accessories for the new phone. The case is the only one I've seen and is plain black. I'm not sure I like it enough to keep it. We'll see. Very little was available online, either. <sigh> I got groceries, which I hadn't done for almost two weeks. Several needed items were on sale and some were items that I was replacing after the power outage. That helped, but the total owed at the register was more than I'd like it to be. I passed by things on the list with inflated prices -- including the store brands with the price freeze <sigh>. 

I know inflation is bad here, but it is lower than many other areas of the world. Some nations are dealing with levels two to four times what we experience here. Younger demographic groups may not have lived with high inflation, so this is new and scary for them. Those of us who have lived through inflation, investment losses and even recessions have much to offer to explain that life continues during and after such economic issues. I've taken advice from those who came before me and lived through the great depression. I have my grandmother's cookbooks and household management books for when items were scarce, rationed or just too pricey. These present a 'can do' attitude by showing how to stretch costlier food items and ways to substitute for foods or cleansers that weren't accessible. They were written by problem solvers. Things may feel bleak at times, but there are ways around difficulties. Pulling together as communities can ensure that everyone receives care. Mending small tears in linens and cllothes helps us to use what we have by repairing rather than replacing. When they can no longer be used for their original purpose, they can become cleaning cloths rather than landfill. Such actions also help the environment by reducing waste. Working together helps build community and can have positive impact on ecological concerns globally. 

While thinking about the current economic and environmental situations recently, several songs have come to mind. I chose one of these to share since it speaks to the need to pull together. Enjoy the hair and tight neans of the '80s. ;) Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Livin' on a Prayer -- Bon Jovi

Monday, 24 October 2022

9-297 (24/10/22) -- Finding the Moments

It was a lovely fall day again today -- cloudy but warmer than expected. I walked to get milk around lunch time and then went for a longer walk later in the afternoon. Those walks helped me re-center a bit as did listening to music as I walked. A phone chat and participating in a virtual presentation also helped me to smile. It is great to be able to connect with people virtually and in-person. <smile> 

This evening, fireworks have been set off within the neighbourhood. This often occurs for no particular reason. Today, though, I thought it might be someone celebrating Diwali, a 5-day festival with lights and fireworks. That this could be part of a cultural festival made me smile rather than be grumpy about random explosions. <smile> 

Most days hold moments of happiness and may even include delight or joy. Some days have more of these moments than others, but if we pause and look, we will see small moments even in the darker days. Connecting with friends and colleagues, enjoying the weather and appreciating the celebrations of others can bring those moments of calm into our days. I often have to remind myself to look, or at least to reflect back on the day to find such times in my days. A song chorus came to mind while finding upbeat moments today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Lovely Day -- Bill Withers


Sunday, 23 October 2022

9-296 (23/10/22) -- Impeded Vision

Again, we had a lovely sunny day with unseasonably warm temperatures. It is nice to have good weather for a nice walk through the neighbourhood. The angle of the sun is lower than in summer, so we get lot of sun beams on the kitchen, bathroom and hallway floors. The furry one loves to pause in one of these areas to bask in the warm rays. It can be almost blinding when working at the kitchen sink, though. Wearing sunglasses or a ballcap indoors feels weird, but at least I can get through meal prep and cleanup. The worst time of day falls right around lunch time, so some discomfort happens often. I won't complain too much since winter sun appears less often and does not hold the same brightness or warmth. 

While working in the bright sunlight today, my eyes began to tear up making it even more difficult to focus or see. I did not want to complain about a sunny day, but none of the counter space in the kitchen is anywhere other than in the sunlight. So, I carried on making lunch while humming a song that made me giggle a bit. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Blinded by the Light -- Manfred Mann's Earth Band 

Saturday, 22 October 2022

9-295 (22/10/22) -- Major Sun

The day was sunny and unseasonably warm. The sky was a clear blue as far as one could see. I went for a walk early in the afternoon just to enjoy the warmth and the sun. Many university ages students were out walking in the sun, too, though they were wearing shorts. I had on my jeans <smile>. Later in the afternoon, I had a short and pleasant visit with a good friend.who had played tennis earlier in the day. Both outings felt wonderful. The day was way too nice to stay indoors doing laundry and household cleaning chores. <smile> 

A 'new to me' song about sunshine is filled with an upbeat vibe -- something that fit what I was trying to find walking in the sun today.  Keep safe. Enjoy!

The Sound of Sunshine -- Michael Franti and Spearhead

9-294 (21/10/22) -- Picture This!

The major outing for the day involved heading to campus for an appointment with the IT technician. It took well over an hour to work through trying to get the camera to be recognized. After removing and re-installing the camera, things worked just as they should. We did a couple of other software updates to newer clients so things should run better when off campus. I felt relieved after these tech issues had been addressed. 

Later in the afternoon, I met with a colleague using the camera on a virtual platform. The video feed showed me for about 30 seconds and then went black again, stating that the camera could not be located.Thanfully, the technician had suggested I test things over the next few days and hold onto the external camera until early next week. At least I had something to fall back on for the meeting. The next step will be to for IT to order a new camera and have the company technician install it since the machine is still on warrenty. I will let them know on Monday that this will need to occur. While we wait for hardware to arrive and then for someone to book time to install it, the external camera will be my go to. It is an HD camera so maybe I also need to get a ring light to minimize the shadows and such <grin>.  I guess hardware and software are very central to my daily routines and the camera moreso in the past three years. Technology is wonderful -- when it works. <sigh>   

I couldn't help thinking that technology has taken us a long way in a short time. A chorus lyric line ran through my head. While this is very different from the camera issues I'm dealing with on the laptop, it shows how far we've come. The song lyrics likely go a bit deeper than the surface phrases I refer to here, but it made my point about changes. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Kodachrome -- Paul Simon 


Thursday, 20 October 2022

9-293 (20/20/22) -- Tech Challenges

It rained a lot overnight with some clearing in the grey skies during the day. I walked to get some bread and had a chat with a neighbour on the way home. Some chores around the house were done this afternoon. I also arranged for an meeting with tech support tomorrow to help get the camera permissions back to allow its use by virtual meeting software platforms. <fingers crossed>  I received an e-mail from my cell provider noting that my plan had been altered as of last week. The date for the change was set to the end of the billing period to avoid partial charges and a hefty $20 fee for having to calculate the partial charges. We had aimed to avoid this by setting the change data as the first day of the billing period. After a couple of phone calls, charges aren't visible yet on the bill, so it may not have actually gone through earlier than requested. If there is a charge on the next bill, I've been assured that a credit will be provided.  

The anxious feelings of today were only exacerbated by the technological issues. Going for a walk helped a bit and I'm hoping a warm shower will help later, too. That also might help the Achilles feel less angry. I heard a few lines of a song as I walked today. The sound is upbeat and helped me to smile, too. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Walk Like an Egyptian -- The Bangles

9-292 (19/10/22) -- Running Thoughts

Light rain began in mid afternoon. The skies became quite grey and foreboding. A rainfall warning exists with about 1-2 inches/25-45 mm forecast to arrive overnight. By late evening, the rain got heavier and the winds picked up a bit. Even small storm patterns make me uncomfortable after the recent hurricane. All over town and county there are so many branches hung up in treetops and other trees that won't likely hold up with a big storm. This is not that -- big storm, that is. 

Days like this make me feel like running away. That comes from anxiety. I think of packing everything up and putting it in storage and going somewhere new. Where? I am not really sure. A few location come to mind. I'd like to run to something and not just away from something. <smile> That's if I run at all.  I've pondered if this feeling is innate. The need to be at 'home' could be, but running somewhere else may not be. I may need to do some further reading on the subject. A few lines of lyric from one song intimate that the need to run somewhere else might be instinctive.Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Born to Run -- Bruce Springsteen

Tuesday, 18 October 2022

9-291 (18/10/22) -- Ecological Impacts

Today was another sunny day. While pleasant, this is not usual for October, which generally is a month of cool (sometimes cold) rainy weather. The forecast notes some rain expected mid-week, but that is past the middle of the month. 

The cleanup from hurricane Fiona continues in backyards and throughout the province.In the face of current weather patterns and the damage done to several industries, many people still hesitate to change. With a one day storm, many events have become precedent. Out in the Atlantic a six degree Celsius temperature inversion warmed the seabed and cooled the upper waters. This will have major impact on the snow crab harvest this year and into the future. The huge swaths of forest that were flattened will affect the logging industry and in turn wood and paper products for many years. The lost of hardwood stands will affect the maple syrup industry. A local syrup producer noted that cleanup is happening and even with the planting of new trees, he would not see the same number of trees tapped last year again in his lifetime. Each of these impact the primary producers and in turn decrease supply -- and thus, increase costs -- of secondary producers. During a time of huge inflation, this will only worsen the price of products and the income of people along the supply chain. 

I share song from 1971 over 50 years ago, when the state of global pollution was discussed seriously and advocacy for improved business practices hit all board rooms and political conversations. Disagreements on mitigation measures began between business and political decision makers and between nations. The naysayers continue arguments to this day, even when evidence supports altered ways to do business.Some successes have occurred -- protected spaces and species, and mandated recycling and composting, but actions of people and businesses still have a long way to go. Keep safe. Enjoy! .

Mercy, Mercy Me (The Ecology) -- Marvin Gaye

9-290 (17/10/22) -- Carpet of Gold

After a cloudy start, the sun came out later in the day. The colour of the light is so orange-ish. Sunset last night filled the air with this soft inviting shade. Today the bright sun brought out the gold, orange and red shades in the trees on the street. It helped me to relax a bit. I managed to get the last of the items from the deep freeze out to the compost bin for pick up tomorrow. I had frozen all the things and then trundled the box and pails of stuff to the bin. I placed the heavier recycling bag on top of the bin so the local wildlife don't tip it over thinking it smells like a feast. <sigh> That would be a mess to clean up -- fingers crossed that it doesn't come to that. 

The walkway to the street brings smiles on days such as today. It becomes a carpet of gold with flecks of red and orange. When the leaves are dry, as they have been over the past week, the rustling sound makes me smile.It is a carpet of gold. That beats a red carpet any day -- and no one asks 'who' I'm wearing <grin>.  

Walking the 'carpet' today helped me realize that the sound and feel of the fallen leaves transported me to a place of calm. the shoulders relax and breathing becomes slower and deeper. A smile came to me when as song came into my head. I hope it helps you relax even for just a moment. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Magic Carpet Ride -- Steppenwolf 


Sunday, 16 October 2022

9-289 (16/10/22) -- Regular, Usual, Mundane

It was a quiet, mainly cloudy day. I worked around the house folding laundry, cleaning and cooking supper. Just living the dream! <grin> I ventured out for a walk and stopped at the pharmacy for a new thermometer. Mine has mysteriously disappeared. Now that I have a new one, the old one will show up somewhere unexpected. I also picked up a package of oat cakes and one of raisin bran muffins. I enjoy both of these -- great formulations.  

Most of my thoughts today were about the ordinary-ness of the day. Mundane is the word that often comes to mind. I think of this as nothing outstanding happening during the day -- just a day filled with regular, usual activities. That was today. I feel positive, though sometimes mundane has been associated with sadness for some reason. One song comes to mind on days like this. I've shared it in the past, but it describes things very well for me, -- as the lyric notes "its all your state of mind."  So I'll share this song from a Newfoundland group again. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Ordinary Day -- Great Big Sea

9-288 (15/10/22) -- Chain Saw Whine

I woke to chain saw whining for the fifth time in two weeks and the second time in two days. The huge tree has been reduced to much smaller pieces and will become firewood for a neighbour this winter. It made me so sad to see this process. There were more tears. I was awake later than usual last night, so the wake up call happened about 3-4 hours after I'd gotten to sleep. So, tiredness was an unwelcome companion through the day.

I kick-started myself and cooked a pot of red sauce and a batch of peppers and onions. I added some pasta and had a substantial tasty dinner. It is nice to get some foods put back into the freezer. I did some leaf clean up off the porches. The light today was different due to more cloud cover that made the reds and oranges pop on the big maple in the front yard. It is so pretty to see and I can just stand at the front windows and stare to take it all in. I wish I could hold onto those leaves for the gloomier days of winter. It would be a great reminder of the colours that the world will have after the more subdued black and white palette of winter. 

As the main tree that was uprooted by hurricane winds goes through the various stages of removal from the yard, I've felt quite emotional. Watching it being cut into 'manageable' pieces today was very difficult. It reminded me of an Irish folk song that tells the story of a huge tree felled by winds around 1760. While the one I've lived with doesn't have the history or community recognition as the one in the song, I will miss it nonetheless. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Bonny Portmore -- Loreena McKennett

Friday, 14 October 2022

9-287 (14/10/22) -- Global Connection

Working my way through the 'to do' list, today I visited my cell service provider. For several months they have been charging me for data usage when this has been shut off and phone reports that zero data has been used each time <sigh>. The best response they could offer is that it showed them that the phone was used to search through the Internet. When I stated that I never use the phone to do this, they said that someone else must have picked up my phone and used it. There is no one else unless the furry one has found a way around the lack of opposable thumbs. So, went to see if they could add some data to my current plan that has no data since they were going to charge me anyway. My two options were to pay twice as much as they have been charging for 1 gigabyte or pay $3/month to block data -- like turning it off on the phone doesn't seem to do this. <bigger sigh>. I chose to go with the addition of data to the current plan. It can be removed should I not use it or tire of the cost of it. So, we will see how this goes. I could use it for a few things, but don't plan to stream movies or play games on the smaller screen. Maybe for directions to get somewhere when I travel outside of town. Who knows?

I headed to campus to check mail and realized it is the beginning of homecoming weekend, so public parking areas are chock-a-block full. So, this task will wait for another day. <smile>  It was nice to get out in the warm sun again today, though clouds interrupted the wide blue sky. Very angry looking clouds began to drift in during the early afternoon. Deep grey in colour, they looked like harbingers of rain. This was not in the forecast and none arrived during the day. 

I thought of a song that covers the feelings that cell phone are taking over and mentioning the FOMO aspect of being glued to one's phone. It seemed to be the song to share here today. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Everybody's on the Phone -- Jimmy Buffett

9-286 (13/10/22) -- Fall Sunshine

What a wonderful weather day! Bright sunshine, blue skies and warm temperatures made it an almost summer-like day. I was inside much of the day. I had an early phone meetings and later in the afternoon an online chat with a friend. I felt very fatigued until early afternoon and then found the energy to get through some 'to do' list items. I cooked between meetings today. I made turkey a la king with biscuits -- one of my favourite leftover dinners after a big turkey dinner when I was a kid. I also put together some fruit crisp for dessert. I hope to get a couple of other things made in the next few days so I can have things ready in the freezer again -- for those days when cooking something just isn't in the cards <smile>. 

There has been a flurry of acting and musical folks passing recently. Today, I heard of the death of a wonderful actress who also worked in many musicals on stage and in movies. I chose one of several songs that came to mind today to share here. The message in the lyrics is a positive one. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Age of Not Believing -- Angela Lansbury (from Bedknobs and Broomsticks) 

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

9-285 (12/10/22) -- How much?!?

It has been a wonderful sunny fall day again. I enjoy seeing the sun shining through red and orange leaves and the daily changes to the colour changes. Warmer temperatures arrived today, though once the sun was setting, the air temperature dropped noticeably. My day involved getting ready for a necessary planning meeting. I think things are in order as of later this afternoon. <smile>  The next appointment of the afternoon took me to the annual meeting with my MD. Nothing major there, just a list of small complaints -- the cost of getting older perhaps <grin>. 

When all the meetings ended, I took some time to get groceries at two stores since empty shelves are still common between the two, but for different products. All but two or three items on the list came home with me. The others simply could not be found anywhere. I am not getting extravagant things, but replacing a number of condiments boosts the bill total considerably. I've noticed the increase in shelf prices over the past several months. Along with this I've seen a reduction in package size. For example, one cosmetic cream used to be $11.95 for 120 mL and current prices are $13.95 for 71 mL!! Bizarre. Companies often slightly reduce package size and keep cost the same, but with inflationary costs of production, both have occurred in several commodity groups. Basic ingredient costs have increased that have led to increases outside the grocery stores, such as in bakery and restaurant prices. In a conversation today, how much such increases may reduce as the economy improves. In the past, we've experienced a slight cost reduction, but much of the increase is maintained over time. There is a lag as different sectors improve, so there is no instant drop in prices everywhere. Being patient isn't easy in such situations -- not that there is a choice. Waiting is necessary. 

A song from many decades ago speaks to the need for patience and notes that such situations also may require a degree of courage. This version of the song has a jazz vibe to it. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Patience and Fortitude -- The Manhattan Brothers

9-284 (11/10/22) -- Pondering Privilege

Today I finished cleaning the large chest freezer in the basement and repopulated it with items that could be kept. I looks sadly empty. I'm not sure how much I've thrown away in monetary terms. Insurance will cover some of that if it adds up to more than the deductible. The province is providing a $100 benefit for anyone who lost power for over 48 hours. I can say with certainty that I've lost more than that. Now that made me think of my place of privilege since many folks may not be able to have that much food on hand or may not be able to afford insurance. So, I will not complain. I will feel sad at losing some of the wonderful fruits that I prepared and froze that just aren't available again until next summer. <sigh> 

The weather had been fairly kind. It was sunny and warm but with a cool breeze. Frost warning have been part of the forecast for the past week. The next few days will be warmer even into the overnights, so those warning may not be around for a few more days. After that, we will get that first hard killing frost. This is the time of year when people try to delay turning on the heat for as long as possible. It becomes a game of stubbornness -- how long can we wear so many layers of clothing before giving in. That also comes from a place of privilege. 

I chose a song that reminds me of some of the communities in this part of the world. The lyrics are autobiographical from the singer-songwriter. She was an major country star who left this world earlier in the week. My thoughts today reminded me of her story. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Coal miner's Daughter -- Loretta Lynn

Monday, 10 October 2022

9-283 (10/10/22) -- Giant Frozen Smoothie

The main activity today was working at defrosting deep freeze --the large chest freezer that came with the house. I only use it for breads, fruit and vegetables. It is taking a long time to thaw the frozen juice from packages of fruit during the big Fiona thaw. That froze on the floor of the freezer miring containers and bags in the ice. It felt sad to dispose of some of the fruits put down for the winter. I enjoy cooking with them to bring some summer feeling to wintery days. I might be able to get another box of blueberries unless local growers had to dispose of them, too. Rhubarb is another matter. I usually get some fresh from friends and then freeze to make jam or crisps. So, two large pails of frozen items were taken to the green bin for our curb side compost pickup. Much remains frozen to the floor so will need to be left overnight to get the stuff to thaw enough to remove containers and mop up the mess left behind. 

Chainsaws woke me again this morning, but this time it was early -- 7 am! It went on for some time as the folks from the cemetery committee had a ladder truck that one fellow sat on as he removed branches from the higher part of the tree. Later the two trunk branches were trimmed back to the fence, so all that is left -- which is still extremely huge -- is the main trunk and the two branches. This still rests on another tree that was badly damaged. When the larger tree fell, it ripped this one in two. It looks fine from the kitchen window, but the trunk of that tree is now a half circle. The back side of the trunk is no longer there. As a resting place for a very heavy larger tree, this won't last forever. <sigh> Slowly things are getting cleaned up. I'm not sure when the rest will be addressed. <sigh> 

While nearly upending myself as the freezer is defrosting, a title and key lyric line kept running through my head. It made me laugh, a necessity while fighting with the frozen smoothie in the freezer. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy!

Ice, Ice, Baby -- Vanilla Ice

Sunday, 9 October 2022

9-282 (9/10/22) -- Clear Blue Sky

Household tasks took part of the day. I washed rugs and swept leaves off walkways and porches. The light wind yesterday blew around some of the remaining leaves. Many trees have no leaves left even though they hadn't turned colour yet. Other trees have turned while still others have just begun to show tinges of red and orange. In the afternoon I took a short walk in the sunshine to enjoy the clear blue sky. It has been a while since we've had a sky without clouds. Early evening clouds arrived, but skies are forecast to be clear overnight. I hope that means I can see the full moon at some point. 

I cooked a Thanksgiving mini-dinner. A split turkey breast was procured. It was roasted while a potato and sweet potato were baked. I made some dressing. Other side dishes included some mixed green vegetables and blueberry crisp that I cooked last evening. I had pumpkin in the freezer, but it was thrown out after the thaw created by the power outage. I may make a pumpkin custard -- like a pie filling without the crust -- once I can find canned pumpkin at the store. So, a small celebration with me and the furry one today -- pleasant. 

While walking several songs came to mind. I chose one with a wonderful upbeat sound since that is how today felt to me -- greeting a friend I hadn't seen for some time. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Mr. Blue Sky -- Electric Light Orchestra

9-281 (8/10/22) -- Startling Sky View

I spent the day doing laundry and some other cleaning around the house. While going back and forth by the kitchen window, I saw more activity in the cemetery. There were more chain saws in the morning and the two tractors for cleanup were gone before noon. in the early afternoon there was a gathering of about 20 people. They formed a circle with someone speaking. Bagpipes were part of the ceremony that lasted about 45 minutes. There was a bit of sunshine during this event, but was mostly cloudy with some drizzle. I have no idea what the ceremony was about, but it was cool to see people celebrating something. 

I was surprised when I saw the bright half moon this week. There has been a lot of cloud cover recently and I had put it down to that. Yet, I had been quite startled to see the moon clearly. I realized today it was something different. There has always been trees and leaves between me and moon. Without the major trees in the back yard, the south sky has opened up. It was very odd. 

The song shared today came from the reaction seeing the moon this past week. The title says it all <smile>. We lost this artist over 50 years ago this week. This song showcases her mezzo soprano and power well. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Half Moon -- Janis Joplin


Friday, 7 October 2022

9-280 (7/10/22) -- Deconstructing Stresses

It has been a grey day with some very light rain interspersed with sunny breaks Temperatures were lovely and warm. I woke to the sound of a single chainsaw. Someone was working on the downed tree from the cemetery side of the fence -- alone. <sigh> I watched what the lone worker was doing and had the phone handy should a call to 9-1-1 be required. The step ladder used proved inadequate to reach many branches of the overhanging tree. It really needs someone with the correct equipment, training and insurance to deal with that one. <sigh>

Out front, a half-ton pulling a trailer stopped by late morning to pick up the debris left out by the street. The huge pile in front of my yard took two visits, each time filling the trailer. As I noted yesterday, this will be a huge job for the Town -- bigger than expected. 

Pondering conversations this week made me think more of the need to be kind to myself. I've been upset that I can't get things done that might make me feel more constructive or when I can't recall what I planned to search when I opened Google or why I walked into the other room. It seems so much worse recently. Yet, I was reminded that I had dealt with several stressful events by finding ways to remain calm, acknowledging and naming emotions, and stating what I needed to do. None of these is easy for me, but somehow I did it all without even recognizing I was doing it. <smile> As I continue to deal with the events, I realize that individually each happening would have been more manageable on its own, but a new stresser arrived before the previous one(s) had been managed. So, this means I am still deconstructing and understanding all events simultaneously. Sleep has improved since the storm, but with major tree removal still uncertain, some nights this week have been mainly disrupted sleep. The key to further management was understanding that all events are still swirling around in my brain. With time it will subside. 

In my conversations and ponderings this week, the thought of being kind to myself has crossed my mind. Doing this can be very challenging, but with assistance from other people one can change perspective. Today one of those friends reminded me of a song that fits the idea of practicing self compassion, while accepting help from those around us. It is an original song by a wonderful group. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Love Me When I Don't -- Pentatonix 

Thursday, 6 October 2022

9-279 (6/10/22) -- One More Day?

It has been cloudy and twilight-ish all day. Light rain arrived in early afternoon and became a bit heavier by early evening. We have a rainfall warning in place for today into tomorrow with at least 50 mm (2 inches) expected. The ground is still damp from a week ago, so more rain will only add to the saturation level. I headed to the grocery store late this morning to get some needed items as well as more replacement items for the losses incurred with the power outage. Along the way, I encountered two town crews removing branches and tree debris from the front of house lots. They are moving methodically through town and will get to the fortress of branches along the full width of my space and parts of the two properties on either side. I passed several large dump trucks filled with branches on my way to and from the grocery store. it is good to see these crews working to clear the huge amount of material from yards in town. It is much appreciated. 

After 6 pm, I  heard heavy equipment out on the street. Front-end loaders, dump trucks and traffic control trucks and people were heading up the opposite side of the street. Hopefully that means they will move back down the hill soon. It wasn't before dark, so hopefully it will be tomorrow sometime. Seeing that debris disappear will lift part of the weight that seems to have settled on my back and shoulders. I look forward to that. 

Thinking of waiting yet another day for the debris pile to leave feels frustrating, but I will need to wait another day. The main chorus line from a song came to mind. The song obviously doesn't deal with waste removal <grin> but the need to wait is covered in the chorus. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Hold On -- Wilson Phillips

9-278 (5/10/22) -- Walk or Run?

The main events for the day involved a great discussion with a colleague and a visit to the physio. The latter was to fix the SI joint that went out of place when I vacuumed on the weekend. This is the main reason I hate vacuuming <sigh>.  It causes major pain most times. Sometimes the joint slides back into place with a few specific stretches, but when those don't work, it requires manipulations and stretches that require the physiotherapist to complete. He told me it worked and I will wait until tomorrow to see if the muscles and connective tissue calm overnight. <fingers crossed>  

For the past week,  I've seen and heard Canada Geese flying overhead.The first time I saw them was when I was walking on Main Street. I love hearing them as they fly in formation -- a society with strong order. Looking around I felt that we had lost our sense of order and routine. Also, I found myself wishing I could fly off with these birds. The desire to escape or run away comes with anxiety and there is more of that than I need right now. I'd enjoy escaping the winter when there will likely be more trees down due to subtle damage from the hurricane that strong nor'easter winds will aggravate in a couple of months. I find myself thinking of avoiding a maritime winter altogether. So many people do that. Why not me? 

While I move forward through the stresses, it is important to be in touch with feelings. That isn't always easy. Going away isn't out of the questions, but running without a plan may not be the wisest thing to do. <smile> I thought of several songs to go with these ponderings. The one shared fits with some of the wisdom that comes when the thinking brain takes over from the emotional systems. Things that help me keep somewhat on track are walking and listening to music. Those two can be merged and I haven't done that as much recently. I will need to charge that device and head out in the next day or so -- depending on the rain. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Don't Stop -- Fleetwood Mac

9-277 (4/10/22) -- Big Yard Cleanup

Today the Town Facebook page noted that if we leave debris and yard waste at the curb, town employees will take it away. Branches have to be less that 10 feet in length and not more than six inches in diameter. The lawn care guy used a chain saw to cut longer branches into acceptable lengths. The plan is pick this up on Thursday. I expect there is far more waste than can be gathered in this time period. We'll see. 

I was surprised when my lawn and yard care guy suggested we just put all the tree debris into the yard next door. It isn't an area that is used, but still -- it isn't my yard. <sigh> He thought maybe we could just ask that owner to see if she'd mind. I made that one a hard no. I then stated that I'd been told to put it by the curb by someone at Town Hall. A neighbour came to chat and informed us of the social media post, so I felt better leaving it all at the street. The pile is about four feet high and 3 feet wide. It extends the width of this yard and half of the width of the yards on either side. There is A LOT. The lawn care guy then mulched and blew the leaves and tiny twigs so the front lawn area now looks almost normal. That helps to be able to see the grass more than the leaves. 

When pondering the request to toss stuff in someone else's space, a song title came to mind. It made me giggle -- and I'll take those where I can these days <smile>. This has a distinct twangy country feel to it with Mac Davis as co-writer with Billy Strange. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Clean Up Your Own Backyard -- Elvis Presley 

9-276 (3/10/22) -- Waste and Debris

Today I went for a dental cleaning that had been rebooked due to the power outage last week. It has been a year since my last cleaning and I generally go every six months. There was no call back last winter due to difficulties with a new online system. I kept forgetting to call and when I did remember  it was after office hours. The upshot was that it took longer than usual to complete the scaling <yuck>. Softer foods may be the focus in the near future. 

I got some information from town hall that compost bin weekly pick up has been extended to the middle of October -- great news given the extra yard waste and the food waste. The usual every other week collection protocol will begin again in November.  I will  attend to defrosting the deep freeze soon, and then all of that food will go out in the next two weekly pickups. I had placed a bag of food waste from the fridge into the deep freeze for disposal next week, but it all went out to the curb tonight for collection tomorrow.  I will get to defrosting the deep freeze soon, and then all of that food will go out in the next two weekly pickups. Then we go back to the fall/winter pickups ever other week.  

Life is getting back to some semblance of normal. The damage is always just below the surface, though and in your face so often with piles of debris everywhere and people checking in on degrees of damage experienced.  Moving the damage our of view has helped me feel a bit better. Moving forward seems slow and will last for some time to come. The song shared here fits the theme of cleaning today -- dentist, cleaning fridge and my work around the yard including sweeping the leaves off the porches, stairs and walkways today, Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Get Yourself a New Broom (and Sweep Away the Blues) -- Duke Ellington ft. Ivie Anderson

9-275 (2/10/22) -- Small Things

Today I thought about all the small things that provide points of positivity in my days. When out walking, I've noted several items that draw attention and help me focus on something other than the debris all around me. Many dahlias weathered the storm and show literal bright spots along the journey. The asters have reached full bloom. As a child, I learned that this was the flower for September. I pictured them the size of daisies. It took me a couple of years after moving to the Maritimes to realize that the pretty purplish flowers of autumn were asters. The range from 1/4 inch diameter to other that are 1 inch or 1.5 inches across. Colours range from a medium shade of purple to a light lilac shade. They also come in tiny white blossoms. These grow wild and can be found poking out from behind shrubbery and tree trunks. Again, they make me smile when they catch my eye. 

Other small things involve the kindness of others when waiting in line or traveling through stores. People have been calm and polite. We just may be too tired to expend the effort to be cranky <smile>. I also was so pleased to have my daily chai lattes with real milk yesterday -- a small thing, but it felt so good to sit and savour the familiar flavour and texture again. 

A song lyric reminded me of much of what I've been thinking lately -- the need for gratitude despite some of the negative occurrences. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

I Just Want to Celebrate -- Rare Earth

Wednesday, 5 October 2022

9-274 (1/10/22) -- Lost Routines Returning

I tried to make today a usual Saturday with household chores. I did laundry and then vacuumed. It was past time to do the indoor cleanup for all the leaf bits and much and such that tracked through the house when working on outside yard cleanup this week. 

It gave me time to hide indoors and not have the mass of broken trees and branches right in my line of sight at all times. I recognized that the lower back pain I often get when vacuuming must be due to the way in which I move when doing this chore. I avoid doing this since it does hurt -- sometimes briefly and sometimes for a longer time. I'm hoping this is one of shorter duration. I still feel quite exhausted, but think that it is lessening with time. I washed my hair and then rested for a while after the vacuuming was done. All in all, it was a quieter day and one that tried to reestablish the weekly rhythm. 

A couple lines of lyric mention something 'reaching for the light'.  Today was like that -- trying to find a way back to the usual mundane routines of daily life. The selection is a longer progressive rock piece. Just relax, sit back and take the ride. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Echos -- Pink Floyd


9-273 (30/9/22) -- Relaxed Start to Day

I went for a walk in the sunshine and warmth. I took a different route than I have been using in the past week. This one showed much more tree and structural damage. In other places leaves are turning colour and red highlights in several standing trees. I feel for those who suffered terrible losses close and further away from me. Fiona was so damaging. Now, Ian is blowing through Florida and the Carolinas. It has been a quiet season until recently. 

An online group discussion today dove deeply into favourite morning coffee styles, roasts, brands, makers, grinds, etc. This distraction got me thinking of my morning -- and most evenings -- ritual of chai. I generally add hot water to the chai bag and then use the microwave to heat the mixture with milk added. On a more leisurely morning, I enjoy using the steamer to heat and froth the mixture. Yum! I thought more of this recently when I didn't have power to heat the milk and then didn't have milk. When speaking to a colleague our inconveniences really point to our position of privilege. That provided a pause for deeper thinking.  

The online discussion brought a line or two of an older song. The tempo and harmonies sound like a good way to start the day. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Java Jive -- The Ink Spots

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

9-272 (29/9/22) -- Finding Food

Today brought The Great Food Acquisition Challenge. I visited four stores with about six items from my list missing at the end of the day. Many shelves remain empty especially for perishable foods. I actually found more than I expected. In the evening, I cleared out the fridge and put things in a bag into the freezer. these will go out on next compost bin pick up day,  likely in two weeks.

I felt angry today. I still am exhausted even though I've been sleeping fairly well. It will take time, I expect. It may be a type of grief. I know others are in more severe situations from past and current storms. I've just never seen anything this bad. Shopping didn't create much frustration -- I was just too tired and thought if the line was long, I'd just sleep standing up <smile>. I felt more 'off' as the day went along. After supper, I did more cleaning and then had a shower. I then laid down for a bit. I don't deal well with uncertainty such as when the damaged trees will be removed. It will take time since those who do this professionally are going flat out these days. My yard isn't a priority at this point as things seem stable for now. Everywhere I go, there are piles of debris. It wears on one's mindset -- so very devastating. I heard an interview with a person working with new immigrant groups during this emergency situation. Many said they had been through war so understand the loss of power and telecommunications. In fact, many of them asked the workers how they were doing. I know I've thought of this as a war zone in appearance, but it has similarities in the visuals and lack of commodities. It also has many people helping others. 

When shopping today, there were many people just like me hunting for many items. I saw several others with long lists of necessary acquisitions. We all looked a bit dazed by the process, but kept moving forward to the next think on the list. It was rather quiet given the number of people in the stores. They spoke in hushed tones as they met someone and asked how they were doing after the storm. I share here the song title that came to mind as I wandered through the stores. 

Lost in the Supermarket -- The Clash


9-271 (28/9/22) -- New Approaches

This morning I heard chainsaws closer than usual. Two men from the property next door were clearing the trees downed there. They offered to clear some of the collateral damage from the uprooted tree. It felt good to see some of the damage leave the yard. Things looked so much cleaner when I looked out the window. After a phone meeting, I headed out in search of milk. No regular refrigerated milk was available yet in the two stores closest to the house. I settled for UHT almond milk so I could make some form of chai latte. I will get more groceries in the next couple of days, so will have more food to cook with and will replace some of the foods that had to be tossed from the fridge and freezer. I hope to find real cow's milk on that excursion.  

The word of the day seemed to be flexibility. I challenge myself to try new things. This year of counting has started with a bang. Many new things have been experienced during the last two weeks. Seeking out new things brings interest and keeps the mind working. Being open to the new experiences that are outside our choice or control, brings points of reflection and learning. I expect that to be part of the current cleanup. That is where flexibility entered the daily routine. Without power we had to find work-arounds for the short term. Daily activity changed. The simple acts of feeding and entertaining ourselves became a challenge. Once stores reopened, we could get less perishable foods while we waited for power to return. Finding a substitute for regular milk required being open to change. I did enjoy the first cup I made after power was restored, even if it tasted and felt a bit different. 

After pondering the new things and need for new thinking a song came to mind. The lyrics note the positives of a new day. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

New Morning -- Bob Dylan

Monday, 3 October 2022

9-270 (27/9/22) -- Refocused Viewpoint

The power was back at the house, so the furry one and I came back home today around noon. I had to park about four houses up the street due to a fibre optic cable repair vehicle parked partly across my driveway. I was't upset since it was great that they were there to fix lines for the neighbouts. I walked slowly with bags as I unpacked. By the third trip it was spitting rain as I walked uphill to the car and by the time I got to the car it was pouring and my jeans were soaking wet. I chose to stay n the ar until I could see enough to drive back into the driveway since the cable folks had left. It was great to be in our own space again. The furry one was quite happy to with all 'his' stuff again <smile>. He quickly began to rearrange the packing paper trail on the kitchen floor. I unpacked things and made a quick sandwich. I sat down and turned on the television and fell asleep for several hours.  The stress of the storm, cleanup and having no power took a lot out of me, I guess. Once awake again, I had a hot shower -- heavenly -- and got into my own bed -- wonderful. 

Sitting in the car in pouring rain, I realized that I couldn't see well out the windows. That reminded me of our inability to be part of the communicating world -- at least as we usually would be. I still feel quite shell-shocked and expect that may last a while. Tears are just below the surface at all times. It is a matter of perspective I thought. With a slight wobble in any direction, the trees in my yard would have hit the house, neighbouring building and cemetery fence, but it didn't. The trees will be lost, but property was not part of the devastation. This is unlike people on my block and throughout town who will need new roofs, repairs to stabilize structures and fix vehicles, and have several more days to wait for power lines to be reattached to the houses. Further away, people lost homes that were swept into the ocean. Some lost family members. I know that comparison with others isn't always productive -- it can diminish perfectly valid feelings. So, I am trying to see the positives in the devastation and not focus solely on the losses. 

Lyrics of the song shared today remind me of what I've been pondering as I've been going through this major weather event and its aftermath. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Perspective -- Peter Gabriel

9-269 (26/9/22) -- Hopelessness Improves

Day three without power. It felt very much like being trapped in a dungeon-like place, plodding along in hopeless resignation. My friend and I headed into campus to charge ore devices at a building with full generator capacity.  The huge foyer and halls were filled with people of all ages doing the same thing. We took a power bar to facilitate faster charging. We found two chairs and sat reading and chatting while things powered up. After another wonderful meal prepared on the camping cook stove, we were doing dishes when the fridge beeped at us. My first thought was why is the fridge beeping? Then someone noticed the clock on the stove was blinking and almost in unison we said that the power was back on. What a wonderful feeling. Just shy of 70 hours. It isn't clear out the window if all of town is back on yet. I will see tomorrow if my power node is on, too. I hope son. 

I found that even when the power was on, I walked down the hall without turning on the light and I carried my small flashlight as I expected it to go away just as quickly as it had returned. We were all at the point of becoming disheartened and felt it might not come back on for days. We were able to access internet via a hot spot for short communications. Indoor camping was fun for the first day, but the shine was wearing off by day three <smile>. We rely on electricity for so much. Not seeing or hearing about damage around us created a lot of uncertainty and anxiousness. Getting daily news even just headlines helps, especially when a major event has occurred and people need to know what to do. We listened to radio newscasts, but even regional news did not say anything about our area. It was frustrating to say the least. 

A song ran through my head earlier today that I will share here. The early part of the song reflects the feelings from earlier in the day. Things had improved for me as the power returned <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Look Down -- Les Miserables 

Sunday, 2 October 2022

9-268 (25/9/22) -- Darkness All Around

The sunny day helped to bring some hope today. I began the yard cleanup this afternoon. I spent three hours dragging branches to make a large pile at the side of the house and a second pile out by the front of the yard by the tree from the neighbour's yard. The weather was perfect for such a job. No rain. No wind. No cold air. A friend stopped by to see how the yard had stood up to the storm. We had a good chat and she helped move a few of the larger branches. I also took many smaller twigs and bunches of leaves and filled the compost bin. That will go out tomorrow for pickup. A first for me was the need to use a shovel to move the leaves and twigs from the porches and stairs. It was more than ankle deep as I often see with such storms. . 

By evening, I was physically and mentally exhausted. Everywhere you look there are downed trees -- on every street all over town. One grocery store had brought in huge generators in preparation for extended power outages. I realized as I drove there for a couple of needed items that I was not fully registering the huge trees that were down as I drove along to the roads. Like clutter blindness, I just wasn't able to acknowledge it all. <sigh> There were many people at the store, but most were leaving with one or two items that did not require refrigeration since was all seem to be without power in town and likely into the country. I got three items one being mini-cupcakes so we had something to celebrate our survival of the storm tonight. We can't get a good news report on the radio -- at least not one that speaks to damage in our part o the province. So, while the world is likely seeing some of the visuals, we are kept in the dark. Literally and figuratively. That only adds t the exhaustion. Not knowing what has happened around us adds to the stress levels. 

I  thought of song that speaks about darkness and emotions that fits today so well. Keep well. Enjoy! 

Dark Night of the Soul -- Van Morrison

9-267 (24/9/22) -- Most Irregular

The morning after the storm held a sound very different from the incredible winds of last night. All one could hear outside was the constant whine of chainsaws. This is what I've come to term the after storm symphony -- hum of chainsaws and as the day wore on the roar of  generators. I was worried about my home. It became like a Schrodinger's house -- it was both there and potentially not there. Much anxiety over potential damage to house and yard existed. I saw several trees down in my friends' neighbourhood. So, two of us went down to view the damage on my street. I wasn't sure I could do it alone, so having a friend there helped so very much. Trees and power lines were down all along the drive to my home. The front yard looked OK with a few large branches and one smaller maple from next door lying to the side of the driveway. Across the street a large maple had uprooted and took out the power lines to two homes. Utility workers were removing the wires and winding up the fiber optic cables. That tree is in the road so there is only one lane at present. I looked at the roof of my home and it looked fine. I took a deep breath and walked towards the back yard and realized that the tallest tree in the neighbourhood had uprooted and fallen. It didn't hit the house or porch, nor did it hit anything beyond the back fence. In fact, It was hung up in two maples. One of those maples took a huge chunk out of the plum tree. The larger tree was poised over the back fence and much of the newly refurbished graveyard. I found it amazing that it hadn't crushed anything. I did cry -- actually I sobbed for the loss of such an amazing tree and the three others that are badly damaged. I'm from the southern prairies and trees are rare and sacred. I was also relieved that the house wasn't damaged. We did do a visual inspection inside the house. Thank goodness for flashlights on phones <grin>. We found a small puddle in the middle of the floor in one room downstairs, but not sure where that water came from, though there was a bit of dampness under the wall board in a small area. Ceilings had no water seepage evidence. Outside, the shingles were intact and eaves and fascia were in place. The latter had blown out of the north side of my friends' home. I am so glad that I didn't have to be here during the height of the storm. The noises must have been horrific. 

We went back to my friends' home and played a card game called Code Words. It was fun to learn and I expect one would get better with this over time. That helped us all to focus on something other than the devastation around town. Every street we drove down had major trees uprooted. I've never seen this extent of damage from a hurricane here. 

The campstove was brought into service and we had a lovely hot supper. Then it got very dark. When in bed I wondered if the bright light I saw was the moon. It turned out to be a star -- the north star. Without all the light pollution from streetlights and such, the sky was filled with stars that I generally don't get to see well. What a treat in the midst of the aftermath of the storm.  Overall, the day was filled with unusual sights and sounds. The furry one felt a bit more relaxed than during the storm, but clearly notices that being in one bedroom and the hallway was not where he usually lives. 

Lyrics of the song shared today remind me of the confusion and sadness I feel for the downed trees. I'm from the southern prairies and trees are rare and sacred. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Shadows and Tall Trees -- U2

9-266 (23/9/22) -- Finding Safety

The early part of the day was spent with a phone meeting and completion of the packing to go to the home of friends to ride out the storm. The furry one and I headed out late afternoon, just as the rain bands from the storm began. I have  never left the house during a storm. It feels a bit like admitting defeat and placing a burden on someone else to put up the two of us. A dear friend reminded me that I left for safety and not due to anxiety. That helped me see the situation in a better light and calm a bit. 

In the evening, we had a glass of wonderful red wine and watched the beginning of the storm out the windows. This is the first time ever that I felt the whole house shudder with the wind gusts. I felt the vibrations through my feet. It was very scary. Just after midnight as we were heading off to bed, the power went out. I had small flashlights in my suitcases so I could make my way around in the dark in an unfamiliar setting. No lights were visible anywhere in town -- at least the breadth we could see from being up on a hill. 

I chose the song for today based on the title more than the story told by the lyrics. It felt good to be with other people as this storm raged around us in the night. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Seeking Shelter from the Storm -- Bob Dylan

9-265 (22/9/22) -- Supportive Friends

Today, I got things ready to pack for the 'go bag' necessary in case of forced evacuation. The storm forecast has been getting worse and worse as the storm progresses -- terrifying, actually. This one is going to be major with heavy rain huge wind gusts. Trees are likely to uproot and fall. My yard is gorgeous with many large trees but during a storm it can be a scary place. I've been through many storms over the 24 years I've lived here with hurricane force winds or with major rain. I don't have a good feeling about this one. It will merge with the other low pressure system from the west that carries lots of rain. Forecasters tell us that rainfall could be between 100 and 200 mm (4-8 inches). Winds will maintain hurrican force even as this monster traverses land. 

I had several moments of rising panic throughout the day. I called a friend to chat, which often helps me relax. I felt a huge sense of relief when she suggested I come to stay with them. In fact, I cried. So, tomorrow I will pack up for the furry one and me. There house has few trees surrounding it.  

One song came to mind today that deals with the support of friends. I love the rendition by this artist. The video shared today shows a live version from an historical concert. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

With a Little Help from my Friends -- Joe Cocker (Woodstock performance)

9-264 (21/9/22) -- Warnings

I didn't listen to the news much yesterday. I woke this morning to storm alerts for the hurricane headed this way. I knew it was heading north, but didn't know the track it might take. Fiona -- reminds me of a princess turned ogre. I had planned earlier to get groceries today before I knew of the impending storm. I went anyway. It was very busy with a nearly full parking lot. Putting it off will only be more stressful. I filled the car with gasoline, too. The two cars in front of me were filling gas cans -- likely for generators. People at grocery stores and gas stations were preparing for a major storm and power outages. I stopped at a hardware and automotive store to find some fuel for the fondue pot. I use that to heat water and soup during power outages. I found some that is different from usual, but will work. While there many people were aimlessly wandering the aisles looking for supplies to support indoor camping. The overhead speaker asked one staff member if there were any generators in the store. After a lengthy pause the response was that he just didn't know. <smile> I suspect things were moving quickly. Most customers just looked lost and dazed -- the usual panicky place we go to when prepping for storms. 

Needless to say, some of the things on my grocery list were not purchased. I wanted some frozen yogurt, but thought better of it. If power goes out, that tends to melt quickly and then will refreeze as a solid flavoured block of ice. I also held off on chicken and fish. If power goes out for more than a day, I throw things out. There was no need today to buy things that may have to be turfed. <smile> Other storm prep actions being put in place. I will pack my go bag tomorrow and be ready for whatever Friday night brings -- well as ready as I can be. 

The song shared today made me think of a tropical storm that can act more like a hurricane. We'll know more tomorrow with forecasts of what might arrive here. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Like a Hurricane -- Neal Young

9-263 (20/9/22) -- Travel Day

Today was a travel day -- driving to and from the airport. On the way home, I encountered heavy rain in one of the many micro-climate zones along the 2.5 hour trip. I was ready to pull over once over the mountain (big hills to my Western friends) and spend the night. As I got back down closer to sea level, the rain became very light. Roads were covered with water for the rest of the trip home. With all the construction along the way including many detours of two narrow lanes with no shoulders, it forced all drivers to slow down -- something to be grateful for today.  

Why are good-byes so difficult? Not knowing when we will see each other again is part of the answer to this question. Dear friends want to be closer geographically so they can spend time together more often. I found myself muttering that these events should be easier. As soon as I'd said that, I realized the fallacy in that statement. The difficulty in saying good-bye means we have someone important to us -- some one we care for a lot. That is a gift. Luckily, communication technologies have advanced enough that we can speak and even see each other online. It makes me wonder about my family managed when they moved across the country or across an ocean and only had letters to rely on for updates and keeping close. In comparison, we are lucky to be living in a time when keeping in touch and traveling are so easy. So, good-bye becomes more like 'see you soon'. 

A few lines from a song highlight how difficult it can be to leave when the overwhelming feeling is to stay. Seeing others again soon lies at the centre of the lyrics. Many covers of this song exist. I chose one that I listened to a lot years back, though I enjoy the song by al covers. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Leaving n a Jet Plane --