Sunday, 2 October 2022

9-264 (21/9/22) -- Warnings

I didn't listen to the news much yesterday. I woke this morning to storm alerts for the hurricane headed this way. I knew it was heading north, but didn't know the track it might take. Fiona -- reminds me of a princess turned ogre. I had planned earlier to get groceries today before I knew of the impending storm. I went anyway. It was very busy with a nearly full parking lot. Putting it off will only be more stressful. I filled the car with gasoline, too. The two cars in front of me were filling gas cans -- likely for generators. People at grocery stores and gas stations were preparing for a major storm and power outages. I stopped at a hardware and automotive store to find some fuel for the fondue pot. I use that to heat water and soup during power outages. I found some that is different from usual, but will work. While there many people were aimlessly wandering the aisles looking for supplies to support indoor camping. The overhead speaker asked one staff member if there were any generators in the store. After a lengthy pause the response was that he just didn't know. <smile> I suspect things were moving quickly. Most customers just looked lost and dazed -- the usual panicky place we go to when prepping for storms. 

Needless to say, some of the things on my grocery list were not purchased. I wanted some frozen yogurt, but thought better of it. If power goes out, that tends to melt quickly and then will refreeze as a solid flavoured block of ice. I also held off on chicken and fish. If power goes out for more than a day, I throw things out. There was no need today to buy things that may have to be turfed. <smile> Other storm prep actions being put in place. I will pack my go bag tomorrow and be ready for whatever Friday night brings -- well as ready as I can be. 

The song shared today made me think of a tropical storm that can act more like a hurricane. We'll know more tomorrow with forecasts of what might arrive here. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Like a Hurricane -- Neal Young

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