Monday, 24 October 2022

9-297 (24/10/22) -- Finding the Moments

It was a lovely fall day again today -- cloudy but warmer than expected. I walked to get milk around lunch time and then went for a longer walk later in the afternoon. Those walks helped me re-center a bit as did listening to music as I walked. A phone chat and participating in a virtual presentation also helped me to smile. It is great to be able to connect with people virtually and in-person. <smile> 

This evening, fireworks have been set off within the neighbourhood. This often occurs for no particular reason. Today, though, I thought it might be someone celebrating Diwali, a 5-day festival with lights and fireworks. That this could be part of a cultural festival made me smile rather than be grumpy about random explosions. <smile> 

Most days hold moments of happiness and may even include delight or joy. Some days have more of these moments than others, but if we pause and look, we will see small moments even in the darker days. Connecting with friends and colleagues, enjoying the weather and appreciating the celebrations of others can bring those moments of calm into our days. I often have to remind myself to look, or at least to reflect back on the day to find such times in my days. A song chorus came to mind while finding upbeat moments today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Lovely Day -- Bill Withers


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