I spent the day doing laundry and some other cleaning around the house. While going back and forth by the kitchen window, I saw more activity in the cemetery. There were more chain saws in the morning and the two tractors for cleanup were gone before noon. in the early afternoon there was a gathering of about 20 people. They formed a circle with someone speaking. Bagpipes were part of the ceremony that lasted about 45 minutes. There was a bit of sunshine during this event, but was mostly cloudy with some drizzle. I have no idea what the ceremony was about, but it was cool to see people celebrating something.
I was surprised when I saw the bright half moon this week. There has been a lot of cloud cover recently and I had put it down to that. Yet, I had been quite startled to see the moon clearly. I realized today it was something different. There has always been trees and leaves between me and moon. Without the major trees in the back yard, the south sky has opened up. It was very odd.
The song shared today came from the reaction seeing the moon this past week. The title says it all <smile>. We lost this artist over 50 years ago this week. This song showcases her mezzo soprano and power well. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Half Moon -- Janis Joplin
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