It rained a lot overnight with some clearing in the grey skies during the day. I walked to get some bread and had a chat with a neighbour on the way home. Some chores around the house were done this afternoon. I also arranged for an meeting with tech support tomorrow to help get the camera permissions back to allow its use by virtual meeting software platforms. <fingers crossed> I received an e-mail from my cell provider noting that my plan had been altered as of last week. The date for the change was set to the end of the billing period to avoid partial charges and a hefty $20 fee for having to calculate the partial charges. We had aimed to avoid this by setting the change data as the first day of the billing period. After a couple of phone calls, charges aren't visible yet on the bill, so it may not have actually gone through earlier than requested. If there is a charge on the next bill, I've been assured that a credit will be provided.
The anxious feelings of today were only exacerbated by the technological issues. Going for a walk helped a bit and I'm hoping a warm shower will help later, too. That also might help the Achilles feel less angry. I heard a few lines of a song as I walked today. The sound is upbeat and helped me to smile, too. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Walk Like an Egyptian -- The Bangles
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