Thursday, 6 October 2022

9-278 (5/10/22) -- Walk or Run?

The main events for the day involved a great discussion with a colleague and a visit to the physio. The latter was to fix the SI joint that went out of place when I vacuumed on the weekend. This is the main reason I hate vacuuming <sigh>.  It causes major pain most times. Sometimes the joint slides back into place with a few specific stretches, but when those don't work, it requires manipulations and stretches that require the physiotherapist to complete. He told me it worked and I will wait until tomorrow to see if the muscles and connective tissue calm overnight. <fingers crossed>  

For the past week,  I've seen and heard Canada Geese flying overhead.The first time I saw them was when I was walking on Main Street. I love hearing them as they fly in formation -- a society with strong order. Looking around I felt that we had lost our sense of order and routine. Also, I found myself wishing I could fly off with these birds. The desire to escape or run away comes with anxiety and there is more of that than I need right now. I'd enjoy escaping the winter when there will likely be more trees down due to subtle damage from the hurricane that strong nor'easter winds will aggravate in a couple of months. I find myself thinking of avoiding a maritime winter altogether. So many people do that. Why not me? 

While I move forward through the stresses, it is important to be in touch with feelings. That isn't always easy. Going away isn't out of the questions, but running without a plan may not be the wisest thing to do. <smile> I thought of several songs to go with these ponderings. The one shared fits with some of the wisdom that comes when the thinking brain takes over from the emotional systems. Things that help me keep somewhat on track are walking and listening to music. Those two can be merged and I haven't done that as much recently. I will need to charge that device and head out in the next day or so -- depending on the rain. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Don't Stop -- Fleetwood Mac

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