Thursday, 6 October 2022

9-279 (6/10/22) -- One More Day?

It has been cloudy and twilight-ish all day. Light rain arrived in early afternoon and became a bit heavier by early evening. We have a rainfall warning in place for today into tomorrow with at least 50 mm (2 inches) expected. The ground is still damp from a week ago, so more rain will only add to the saturation level. I headed to the grocery store late this morning to get some needed items as well as more replacement items for the losses incurred with the power outage. Along the way, I encountered two town crews removing branches and tree debris from the front of house lots. They are moving methodically through town and will get to the fortress of branches along the full width of my space and parts of the two properties on either side. I passed several large dump trucks filled with branches on my way to and from the grocery store. it is good to see these crews working to clear the huge amount of material from yards in town. It is much appreciated. 

After 6 pm, I  heard heavy equipment out on the street. Front-end loaders, dump trucks and traffic control trucks and people were heading up the opposite side of the street. Hopefully that means they will move back down the hill soon. It wasn't before dark, so hopefully it will be tomorrow sometime. Seeing that debris disappear will lift part of the weight that seems to have settled on my back and shoulders. I look forward to that. 

Thinking of waiting yet another day for the debris pile to leave feels frustrating, but I will need to wait another day. The main chorus line from a song came to mind. The song obviously doesn't deal with waste removal <grin> but the need to wait is covered in the chorus. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Hold On -- Wilson Phillips

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