Sunday, 2 October 2022

9-268 (25/9/22) -- Darkness All Around

The sunny day helped to bring some hope today. I began the yard cleanup this afternoon. I spent three hours dragging branches to make a large pile at the side of the house and a second pile out by the front of the yard by the tree from the neighbour's yard. The weather was perfect for such a job. No rain. No wind. No cold air. A friend stopped by to see how the yard had stood up to the storm. We had a good chat and she helped move a few of the larger branches. I also took many smaller twigs and bunches of leaves and filled the compost bin. That will go out tomorrow for pickup. A first for me was the need to use a shovel to move the leaves and twigs from the porches and stairs. It was more than ankle deep as I often see with such storms. . 

By evening, I was physically and mentally exhausted. Everywhere you look there are downed trees -- on every street all over town. One grocery store had brought in huge generators in preparation for extended power outages. I realized as I drove there for a couple of needed items that I was not fully registering the huge trees that were down as I drove along to the roads. Like clutter blindness, I just wasn't able to acknowledge it all. <sigh> There were many people at the store, but most were leaving with one or two items that did not require refrigeration since was all seem to be without power in town and likely into the country. I got three items one being mini-cupcakes so we had something to celebrate our survival of the storm tonight. We can't get a good news report on the radio -- at least not one that speaks to damage in our part o the province. So, while the world is likely seeing some of the visuals, we are kept in the dark. Literally and figuratively. That only adds t the exhaustion. Not knowing what has happened around us adds to the stress levels. 

I  thought of song that speaks about darkness and emotions that fits today so well. Keep well. Enjoy! 

Dark Night of the Soul -- Van Morrison

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