Sunday, 2 October 2022

9-263 (20/9/22) -- Travel Day

Today was a travel day -- driving to and from the airport. On the way home, I encountered heavy rain in one of the many micro-climate zones along the 2.5 hour trip. I was ready to pull over once over the mountain (big hills to my Western friends) and spend the night. As I got back down closer to sea level, the rain became very light. Roads were covered with water for the rest of the trip home. With all the construction along the way including many detours of two narrow lanes with no shoulders, it forced all drivers to slow down -- something to be grateful for today.  

Why are good-byes so difficult? Not knowing when we will see each other again is part of the answer to this question. Dear friends want to be closer geographically so they can spend time together more often. I found myself muttering that these events should be easier. As soon as I'd said that, I realized the fallacy in that statement. The difficulty in saying good-bye means we have someone important to us -- some one we care for a lot. That is a gift. Luckily, communication technologies have advanced enough that we can speak and even see each other online. It makes me wonder about my family managed when they moved across the country or across an ocean and only had letters to rely on for updates and keeping close. In comparison, we are lucky to be living in a time when keeping in touch and traveling are so easy. So, good-bye becomes more like 'see you soon'. 

A few lines from a song highlight how difficult it can be to leave when the overwhelming feeling is to stay. Seeing others again soon lies at the centre of the lyrics. Many covers of this song exist. I chose one that I listened to a lot years back, though I enjoy the song by al covers. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Leaving n a Jet Plane -- 

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