Monday, 10 October 2022

9-283 (10/10/22) -- Giant Frozen Smoothie

The main activity today was working at defrosting deep freeze --the large chest freezer that came with the house. I only use it for breads, fruit and vegetables. It is taking a long time to thaw the frozen juice from packages of fruit during the big Fiona thaw. That froze on the floor of the freezer miring containers and bags in the ice. It felt sad to dispose of some of the fruits put down for the winter. I enjoy cooking with them to bring some summer feeling to wintery days. I might be able to get another box of blueberries unless local growers had to dispose of them, too. Rhubarb is another matter. I usually get some fresh from friends and then freeze to make jam or crisps. So, two large pails of frozen items were taken to the green bin for our curb side compost pickup. Much remains frozen to the floor so will need to be left overnight to get the stuff to thaw enough to remove containers and mop up the mess left behind. 

Chainsaws woke me again this morning, but this time it was early -- 7 am! It went on for some time as the folks from the cemetery committee had a ladder truck that one fellow sat on as he removed branches from the higher part of the tree. Later the two trunk branches were trimmed back to the fence, so all that is left -- which is still extremely huge -- is the main trunk and the two branches. This still rests on another tree that was badly damaged. When the larger tree fell, it ripped this one in two. It looks fine from the kitchen window, but the trunk of that tree is now a half circle. The back side of the trunk is no longer there. As a resting place for a very heavy larger tree, this won't last forever. <sigh> Slowly things are getting cleaned up. I'm not sure when the rest will be addressed. <sigh> 

While nearly upending myself as the freezer is defrosting, a title and key lyric line kept running through my head. It made me laugh, a necessity while fighting with the frozen smoothie in the freezer. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy!

Ice, Ice, Baby -- Vanilla Ice

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