Today IT updated my computer so I had to reinstall software and reorganize the desktop. While on campus to do this, I separately ran into three colleagues and had short updating chats. All conversations seemed to head into the ongoing cleanup of hurricane damage and the difficulty in getting hold of the scope of the damage. Now there were visual reminders all around us as we spoke, so that may not seem as odd as it might.
The warm and humid weather made my walks a bit uncomfortable. The office was very hot with no air movement from the window -- facing the wrong direction for the breeze today. I did the stairs slowly -- all 162 of them <smile>. I did my best to minimize the number of stairs while outside, though this meant encountering a few hills in the process. I was a bit concerned since I hadn't been doing the inside stairs as often as before due to a leg injury -- 65 stairs from sidewalk to top floor. I went out to pick up lunch from across campus, so had to do the building stairs twice. There is no elevator in this building, It is nice and quiet for reading and writing, so well suited to doing research activities.
Taking the many stairs climbed today as allegory, the climb could represent a journey to peace and understanding. A song lyric holds some of this metaphor of life. I'll share this well known song for that more than the title. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!
Stairway to Heavan -- Led Zepplin
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