Tuesday, 18 October 2022

9-291 (18/10/22) -- Ecological Impacts

Today was another sunny day. While pleasant, this is not usual for October, which generally is a month of cool (sometimes cold) rainy weather. The forecast notes some rain expected mid-week, but that is past the middle of the month. 

The cleanup from hurricane Fiona continues in backyards and throughout the province.In the face of current weather patterns and the damage done to several industries, many people still hesitate to change. With a one day storm, many events have become precedent. Out in the Atlantic a six degree Celsius temperature inversion warmed the seabed and cooled the upper waters. This will have major impact on the snow crab harvest this year and into the future. The huge swaths of forest that were flattened will affect the logging industry and in turn wood and paper products for many years. The lost of hardwood stands will affect the maple syrup industry. A local syrup producer noted that cleanup is happening and even with the planting of new trees, he would not see the same number of trees tapped last year again in his lifetime. Each of these impact the primary producers and in turn decrease supply -- and thus, increase costs -- of secondary producers. During a time of huge inflation, this will only worsen the price of products and the income of people along the supply chain. 

I share song from 1971 over 50 years ago, when the state of global pollution was discussed seriously and advocacy for improved business practices hit all board rooms and political conversations. Disagreements on mitigation measures began between business and political decision makers and between nations. The naysayers continue arguments to this day, even when evidence supports altered ways to do business.Some successes have occurred -- protected spaces and species, and mandated recycling and composting, but actions of people and businesses still have a long way to go. Keep safe. Enjoy! .

Mercy, Mercy Me (The Ecology) -- Marvin Gaye

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