Sunday, 23 October 2022

9-296 (23/10/22) -- Impeded Vision

Again, we had a lovely sunny day with unseasonably warm temperatures. It is nice to have good weather for a nice walk through the neighbourhood. The angle of the sun is lower than in summer, so we get lot of sun beams on the kitchen, bathroom and hallway floors. The furry one loves to pause in one of these areas to bask in the warm rays. It can be almost blinding when working at the kitchen sink, though. Wearing sunglasses or a ballcap indoors feels weird, but at least I can get through meal prep and cleanup. The worst time of day falls right around lunch time, so some discomfort happens often. I won't complain too much since winter sun appears less often and does not hold the same brightness or warmth. 

While working in the bright sunlight today, my eyes began to tear up making it even more difficult to focus or see. I did not want to complain about a sunny day, but none of the counter space in the kitchen is anywhere other than in the sunlight. So, I carried on making lunch while humming a song that made me giggle a bit. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Blinded by the Light -- Manfred Mann's Earth Band 

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