Sunday, 2 October 2022

9-266 (23/9/22) -- Finding Safety

The early part of the day was spent with a phone meeting and completion of the packing to go to the home of friends to ride out the storm. The furry one and I headed out late afternoon, just as the rain bands from the storm began. I have  never left the house during a storm. It feels a bit like admitting defeat and placing a burden on someone else to put up the two of us. A dear friend reminded me that I left for safety and not due to anxiety. That helped me see the situation in a better light and calm a bit. 

In the evening, we had a glass of wonderful red wine and watched the beginning of the storm out the windows. This is the first time ever that I felt the whole house shudder with the wind gusts. I felt the vibrations through my feet. It was very scary. Just after midnight as we were heading off to bed, the power went out. I had small flashlights in my suitcases so I could make my way around in the dark in an unfamiliar setting. No lights were visible anywhere in town -- at least the breadth we could see from being up on a hill. 

I chose the song for today based on the title more than the story told by the lyrics. It felt good to be with other people as this storm raged around us in the night. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Seeking Shelter from the Storm -- Bob Dylan

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