Saturday, 22 October 2022

9-294 (21/10/22) -- Picture This!

The major outing for the day involved heading to campus for an appointment with the IT technician. It took well over an hour to work through trying to get the camera to be recognized. After removing and re-installing the camera, things worked just as they should. We did a couple of other software updates to newer clients so things should run better when off campus. I felt relieved after these tech issues had been addressed. 

Later in the afternoon, I met with a colleague using the camera on a virtual platform. The video feed showed me for about 30 seconds and then went black again, stating that the camera could not be located.Thanfully, the technician had suggested I test things over the next few days and hold onto the external camera until early next week. At least I had something to fall back on for the meeting. The next step will be to for IT to order a new camera and have the company technician install it since the machine is still on warrenty. I will let them know on Monday that this will need to occur. While we wait for hardware to arrive and then for someone to book time to install it, the external camera will be my go to. It is an HD camera so maybe I also need to get a ring light to minimize the shadows and such <grin>.  I guess hardware and software are very central to my daily routines and the camera moreso in the past three years. Technology is wonderful -- when it works. <sigh>   

I couldn't help thinking that technology has taken us a long way in a short time. A chorus lyric line ran through my head. While this is very different from the camera issues I'm dealing with on the laptop, it shows how far we've come. The song lyrics likely go a bit deeper than the surface phrases I refer to here, but it made my point about changes. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Kodachrome -- Paul Simon 


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