Sunday, 30 October 2022

9-303 (30/10/22) -- Sky View

Sunshine and clear blue skies filled the day. I walked for a while in the warmish weather. I felt sad most of the day, though there were moments that helped me to relax and move my shoulders back to where they belong -- somewhere south of my ears <smile>. There will be some further major branch removal in the back yard tomorrow morning. An arborist will have the two trees that need to come down on his list. That visit may take a long time as this profession has more work than they can handle at present. At least the place will be in a queue finally. 

The past two nights I've seen the cresent moon in the southwest sky by suppertime. The moon is rising in the afternoon now, so it sets into the early evening. That may be why I didn't see the waning moon on the few clear nights we had a while back. 

The skies can affect mood. Sunshine is known to elevate mood, particularly in areas like here where skies are often cloudy during fall, winter and spring. Seeing the moon helps me to relax and smile a bit, too. I enjoy looking at the stars, planets and satellites in the night sky. I'm not sure everyone takes note of the coolness they can see -- natural and made by humans. Some apps of the night sky note the space junk that orbits the earth -- the amount of this can be surprising. I still think back to the amazing clear skies we could see when the power was out after the hurricane. The brightness of the celestial bodies was stellar -- so to speak <smile>.  

Looking at the sky can help me centre somewhat -- my issues may not be as huge as I can sometimes make them be. <smile> It also gets me into the moment and not stuck in a past or future place. All that helps to reduce some of the anxiety -- at least for short while. The selectin today is a fun song about the sky and stars. I enjoy this version for the alternative production. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds -- Elton John 


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