Happily, the day was warm, dry and sunny when compared to yesterday. I took advantage of the great weather to take a long walk in the new neighbourhood. I met another dog today. Many people here have dogs. I find meeting new neighbours easier when I can ask the dog's name and in some cases ask if it is such-and-such a breed. Many times we chat about the dog and then go our own ways without having exchanged human names. <smile> Later, I expect. Today the new-to-me dog was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named 'Star'.
In my walks I have met several breeds -- husky, dachshund (smooth), Dandie Dinmont, Bernese Mountain Dog, Airedale, Yorkshire terrier and many others. I guess all those hours spent watching the Westminster Kennel Club shows paid off. People really warm to you when you know the breed. <grin> I laughed when I thought of friends who are bird watchers. They keep a life list of what new species they have seen at home and on travels. I should start a list for the dogs I meet. <LOL>
Needless to say, a very silly song came to mind when pondering the canine neighbours. I did choose a different one just to save us from a nasty ear worm. So, the selected song comes from a few decades back. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Me and You and a Dog Named Boo -- Lobo
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