Sunday, 12 November 2023

10-294 (22/10/23) -- Make Believe

The front grass has really filled in well after the major rains of the past few days. The ground is fully saturated. I hope that the grass roots will take hold and help with drainage and holding the soil in place. I look forward to the spring to see it fill in even more. 

I've found that for the past few days, it has been easier to just ignore my feelings when in public. It isn't as easy as it was to type that, though. I find that when I am in stores or see someone briefly when out for a walk, I just respond that I'm hanging in there rather than letting folks see how I really feel. It is  more socially acceptable to hide things and just be bright and bubbly when involved in any exchanges with others. I really just want to say that things are less than perfect and not have to force a smile. I find that as I walk on or leave the store, that I take a deep breath, relax muscles and return to my real feelings. It will improve, but that will take time. 

A song came to mind while pondering the social conundrum today. It is an older tune, but says what I feel, though our reasons are different. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

The Great Pretender -- The Platters


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