Monday, 13 November 2023

10-298 (26/10/23) -- Hanging In

It felt warmer today -- always welcomed. It wasn't an easy day, but I did get a couple things accomplished. I had two in person appointments today. The first was instead of a telephone follow up that just hasn't happened. So, I said I'd be in the office to get the business cleared up. There will be more paperwork before things are all completed, but hopefully that will go without any further delays. After the two appointments, I headed home and worked to submit my friend's obituary to a news website in our home town. It took a couple of phone calls and I'm not sure the email went through. I'll have to check again in the morning. 

I found both meetings today helped with some coping strategies. Conversations helped me feel a bit more in control at times.  Grief takes over thought processes often, and getting re-grounded becomes nearly impossible. The people I met with today helped more than they may realize. 

Lyrics from a song came to mind today. I share that one here with you all. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Leave a Light On -- Garth Brooks

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