During my walk today I had chats with three people. One was walking a poodle and we recognized each other from our time working on campus. I recognized the husky walking with her person. I love the dog vocalizations that huskies seem to do. She was wanting to get moving again <smile>. Then I met a woman I first saw in the late summer. She was walking with her husband. I hadn't met him before. We had a good chat and then went our separate ways. It was sunny but the wind felt very cool, which facilitated a brisker walk -- good for the cardiovascular health. <smile>
While indoors, I finished some household chores and made a supper with everything cooked in the oven. It was all yummy. I also finished polishing and posted four blogs. I am still a long way from catching up, but with some concerted effort, this will happen -- sooner rather than later, I hope.
While working today, I pondered the idea of neighbourhood. I left what I consider my neighbourhood. Now I live in a space that I have to rediscover that concept. Generally, major changes to life require a year -- living through all four seasons with the new circumstances before things feel more comfortable. It will be different. Each time I've moved, settling in takes a long time. Given that I was in the same place for 25 years before this move likely means it will take a bit longer to become comfortable in the new place.
I chose a song about neighbourhoods, leaving and returning. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Neighbourhood -- American Authors ft. Bear Rinehart
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